Application for your very own community badge


2. Owner

3. Three years passed on October 19

4. Logo_vr3_białe


Leader panel:

Links to some of the biggest teams in our community:


English version

Our community is unique because despite the fact that our users are very numerous, we try to maintain good contact with them. Get to know everyone. At times when we had problems, they didn’t let us down. They helped. They didn’t turn their backs on us. We also do not turn away from them when they have worse moments. An example of a situation that happened a few weeks ago. One of our users was wronged by a mistake by doctors. He started streaming on your cs: go game. He was collecting for better equipment, so we rose to the occasion and decided to help him. We mobilized all our team, users and all partners. In less than a day, we managed to collect over 80% of his goal. I think this is unique with us. The fact that we stick together and that we strive to develop in every direction. We never stand still. We think about new products, various games and competitions. We try to make fun for our users several times a month, such as a karaoke event, we organize Christmas carols to sing together for each holiday, we hide codes for different ranks on the channels, etc.
In order to make the time spent by users more enjoyable, we have added a coin system that awards one coin for every minute spent, which can later be exchanged for various ranks on the server, profile upgrades on the site that every user has, or other facilities. We also have a panel for the leader of a given team, through which the leader can see who belongs to his team, change his rank, manage his team’s channels, organize a meeting and much, much more. We try to do unusual things, exceed all standards, as exemplified by our website and panel for team leaders. We also have a very well-coordinated group of friends in the Administration of our server. There are seven of us. We are very well organized, so that we can manage such a large community in so few people. The main features of our Administration are disinterestedness (we run this project out of passion, none of us makes money on it, but it does not discourage us), professionalism (we complement each other, everyone has their own task and is responsible for something), ingenuity (we try to regularly introduce various types of news for our community) and conflict-free.
In Poland, we are one of the largest communities of this type. We support our partners by helping them develop their projects. There are also partners who help us. We work with the largest Minecraft servers in Poland. They help us by supporting our competitions with stuff from their servers, and we advertise their servers in return. As a result, everyone develops, creating an ever larger community.

Best regards, team.


Polish version

Nasza społeczność jest wyjątkowa, ponieważ mimo tego, że naszych użytkowników jest bardzo dużo, staramy się z nimi utrzymywać dobry kontakt. Poznać każdego. W momentach, w których mieliśmy problemy oni nas nie zawiedli. Pomagali. Nie odwrócili się od nas. My rówież się od nich nie odwracamy, gdy oni mają gorsze momenty. Przykładowa sytuacja, która wydarzyła się kilka tygodni temu. Jeden z naszych użytkowników został niepełnosprawny przez pomyłkę lekarzy. Zaczął streamować na twichu z gry cs:go. Zbierał na lepszy sprzęt, więc stanęliśmy na wysokości zadania i postanowiliśmy mu pomóc. Zmobilizowaliśmy wszystkich całą naszą ekipę, użytkowników oraz wszystkich partnerów. W niecały jeden dzień udało nam się zebrać ponad 80% jego celu. Myślę, że to jest u nas wyjątkowe. To, że trzymamy się razem oraz to, że staramy rozwijać się w każdym kierunku. Nigdy nie stoimy w miejscu. Myślimy nad nowościamy, różnymi zabawami, czy też konkursami. Staramy się robić kilka razy w miesiącu zabawy dla naszych użytkowników, takie jak np. event karaoke, na każde święta organizujemy wspólne śpiewanie kolęd, chowamy na kanałach kody na różne rangi itp., Aby użytkownicy mogli milej spędzić czas dodaliśmy system coinów, który polega na tym, że za każdą spędzoną minutę przyznaje jednego coina, które później mogą wymienić na różnego typu rangi na serwerze, ulepszenie profilu na stronie WWW, który posiada każdy użytkownik, czy też inne udogodnienia. Posiadamy również panel dla lidera danego teamu, przez który lider może zobaczyć kto należy do jego teamu, zmienić mu rangę, zarządzać kanałami swojego teamu, zorganizować zebranie i wiele, wiele więcej. Staramy się robić rzeczy nietypowe, wygraczać poza wszelkie standardy, czego przykładem jest nasza strona WWW oraz panel dla liderów teamu. Posiadamy również bardzo mocno zgraną paczkę przyjaciół w Administracji naszego serwera. Jest nas siedmiu. Jesteśmy bardzo dobrze zorganizowani na tyle, że w tak mało osób potrafimy zarządzać tak dużą społecznością. Czołowymi cechami naszej Administracji są bezinteresowność (prowadzimy ten projekt z pasji, nikt z nas na tym nie zarabia, lecz to nas nie zniechęca), profesjonalizm (uzupełniamy się nawzajem, każdy ma swoje zadanie i jest za coś odpowiedzialny), pomysłowość (staramy się regularnie wprowadzać różnego typu nowości dla naszej społeczności) oraz bezkonfliktowość.
W Polsce stanowimy jedną z największych społeczności tego typu. Wspieramy naszych partnerów, pomagając im rozwijach ich projekty. Są również partnerzy, którzy pomagają nam. Współpracujemy z największymi serverami gry Minecraft w Polsce. Oni pomagają nam, wspierając nasze konkursy rzeczami z ich serwerów, a my w zamian reklamujemy ich servery. Dzięki temu każdy się rozwija, tworząc coraz większą społeczność.

Pozdrawiamy Ekipa

  1. What is the name of your community?
    my community is “STRIX GAMING”

  2. What position do you hold in the community?

  3. How long has the community been operating?
    for 6 years, on since 2015

  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?

  5. What is the address of the community server?

  6. Do you have any web / social / streamer links for the community?
    FACEBOOK: Redirecting...

  7. Describe in as much detail as possible what makes your community unique or what makes the server special.
    It is a server where you can automatically rank up by being active.
    We moderate excellently, where no one bothers anyone.
    We provide music bots service.
    We are one of the few servers in Argentina that have a good connection.
    We also have a mc and csgo server.
    Our fully functional and informative lobby helps new users understand how to use teamspeak.

  1. What is your community name?

  2. What position do you hold in the community?

  3. How long has the community been running?
    Under this name 2.5 year, crew and projects of bots has been since 5 years.

  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
    Yes. Imgur: The magic of the Internet

  5. What is the community server address?

  6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?

  7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.

we are a community of users using our query applications. Our goal is to create the most comfortable place for TeamSpeak server users and admins. We have created not only easy to configure bots but panels and documentations helping to set up your servers. We have helped to advance over 200+ servers not only with our applications but also with technical support.

  1. What is your community name?

  2. What position do you hold in the community?

  3. How long has the community been running?
    3 Years

  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
    Dirty-Gaming - Deutscher GTA Roleplay Server

  5. What is the community server address?

  6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
    Dirty Gaming - YouTube
    dirty_gaming_com (@dirty_gaming_com) | TikTok
    And few small streamers

  7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.
    What makes us special? We are one of the biggest german roleplay communities, especially with each character as colorful as every color out of a color box. We´re trying to unite all these different colors and voices to create an interesting environment with ideas, suggestions and maybe dreams for our GTAV-roleplay-reality. Together we´re dirty-gaming and it´s worth it.

Thanks for your event

  1. ProGrajmy
  2. Founder/Owner
  3. Since 2011 and 2017 changed the name to current.
  4. Yes link
  7. is a project providing highly stable TeamSpeak server for our community, what is unique about us is that we invested a lot of time to build our own automated system so that our users can manage their ranks and channels with none admin need. We occasionally pop in to some e-sport events where we take some photos and videos and we publish them on our side. We never stop improving, pushing our user’s independence further.

1. What is your community name?
REH Gaming

2. What position do you hold in the community?
Im the founder

3. How long has the community been running?
Officially since 08.04.2016 (for over five years now)

4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
Sure, thats our Logo. We will send you the vector file as soon as you need it

5. What is the community server address?

6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch

7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.
We are a german multigaming organization founded in 2016 which is currently represented on the PC in games like R6, Valorant, CS:GO, PUBG, Crossfire and many many more. We offer casual players as well as esports interested players and teams a home and rely on a strong, family environment. We have a well-established and experienced management team that drives the organization forward every day with their passion.
We also host our own tournaments and cups and offer our members exactly what makes their time with us an unforgettable experience. :slight_smile:
We have been using TeamSpeak since the beginning and have also been sponsored by TeamSpeak since 2018.
Our TeamSpeak is clearly structured and offers some functions such as a ranking system, various bots, as well as our own functions that we have developed. It is our home, we spend a lot of time here, as well as our teams, members and our community! It is a place where friendships develop, where people work on the organization, where our teams communicate or where we just play and talk together.

Thank you guys for the event and the opportunity! :orange_heart:


1. What is your community name?
→ My community name is Magischer Stock .
2. What position do you hold in the community?
→ I’m the owner.
3. How long has the community been running?
→ For over 2 years.
4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
magischer_stock.png (750×650) (

5. What is the community server address?
→ The community server address is:
6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
magischer_stock - Twitch, Magischer Stock - YouTube
7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.
→ Our community is unique because we are friends who often meet each other in real life, although we live in different corners of germany. Teamspeak is our base communication service for gaming, talking and watching movies together.

  1. What is your community name?
  2. What position do you hold in the community?
    Founder and owner
  3. How long has the community been running?
    Since 19.08.2010 and still counting
  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
    Yes: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  5. What is the community server address?
  6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
    SERB-CRAFT Alumni - YouTube
  7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.
    We started as Minecraft server with 16 slots back in 2010 and now we have over 500+ players daily that play on our server and uses our TS3 server. Currently we are the biggest Minecraft server on Balkan in Europe, even though our players come from all around the world. We would like to expand our community and start working with new people. Our staff currently consists 14 members who work voluntarily to keep this community and provide our members with an experience to remember. Not only that we created a place to hang out online, but we have brought some members so close that they have travelled long distance just to meet live. We think that this Badge is a great opportunity for us so we could share it with members of our community and show them how much they mean to us by giving them this badge to remind them of what we've achieved together.
1 Like
  1. What is your community name?
    IceGame Romania
  2. What position do you hold in the community?
    I am the owner of the community.
  3. How long has the community been running?
    Our community is online for over 3 years
  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
    Yes, our iconic polar bear:
  5. What is the community server address?
  6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
  7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.
    We are a pretty small community of casual gamers that try to spend their lives playing some good old games. We all know that when you became old, you have less and less time to play, your time beeing busy with different things like jobs, responsabilities and many others.
    Here at we try to keep our gamer spirits young and fresh, and even if we don’t have many members, we don’t give up and always keep our heads up, Just like teamspeak3 team does.
    Love you guys :slight_smile:

1. What is your community name?

2. What position do you hold in the community?
Community Manager

3. How long has the community been running?
8 Years / 2013

4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
Yes, this is our main logo

We also use a circular version for the Discord Server

5. What is the community server address?

6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?

7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.
PERPHeads is a roleplaying gaming community for the game Garry’s Mod. We have around 12,000 connections to our server a month. The content / scripts for our server are very unique and is the most played and custom PERP Gamemode ever made. We have a team of six experienced developers and a further four owners which also assist with development, their work has meant we have remained the best PERP Server, and one of the top roleplaying servers for Garry’s Mod for the last 8 years. Throughout all of this time we have been using Teamspeak as one of our hubs for members to socialise, and think they would really appreciate this token to display on their Teamspeak profile.

1 Like

1. What is your community name?
→ My community name is “bsQn” .

2. What position do you hold in the community?
→ I own the CSGO teams İGL position.

3. How long has the community been running?
→ For over 8 years .

4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
→ Yes we have ( rilqwab.jpg )

5. What is the community server address?
→ The community server address is : " eskimakam " . “”

6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?

for Silkroad .
for CS1.6 and CSGO

7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.

->In general, we are able to address a certain audience, and we have educational and instructive posts.
We have nearly 3000 members.
As a team, we have been using teamspeak for more than 8 years, thank you for your service.
We have players from many nationalities (Portugal France Turkey Egypt)
Although we appeal to CSGO in general, we also play silkroad valorant.

What is your community name? 
506th Legion Gaming Network

What position do you hold in the community? 
Owner / Leader

How long has the community been running? 
7 years

Do you have a current logo for the community? 
Yes, See Below.

What is the community server address?

Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?

Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special. : 

Our server is owned and run by Military veterans, providing a cohesive community to both play casually and professionally. 
We have a special status and regard for Military Vets, Active, Law enforcement, EMS and Fire Fighters, no matter what country you live in. 
We have yearly giveaways, and events from Online scavenger hunts to hide and seek. 

  1. What is your community name?
    Answer: Eprogamers Community.

  2. What position do you hold in the community?
    Answer: Manager.

  3. How long has the community been running?
    Answer: Almost 2 years ago.

  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
    Answer: Yes

  5. What is the community server address?

  6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
    Answer: EPROGAMERS | Awami Gaming Servers © | | Facebook

  7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.

Eprogamers is a brand for the next level generation gaming.
We provide a variety of smooth gaming experience to our newbies and old players.
We have successfully organized 12 Seasons of CS 1.6 Tournaments.
Surprisingly, We have many projects in upcoming future with CSGO, COD4, PUBG tournaments and many more.
Stay tuned.

  1. What is your community name?
    Gambit RolePlay (SA:MP full-rp servers)
  2. What position do you hold in the community?
    In-game helper.
  3. How long has the community been running?
    Est. 2018 (but running much longer)
  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
  5. What is the community server address?
    One of the nicknames - gambit-lv, also we have 2 more for each in-game servers)
  6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
  7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.
    Our servers is the biggest real full-rp server in russian speaking countries (as well as LSRP in past but even better). We have 600-700 players everyday and most players using TS for communicating for in-game goverment factions, criminal in-game faction, civil in-game organizations and so on.
  1. What is your community name?
    Amacı Olmayan Tayfa(AOT)
  2. What position do you hold in the community?
  3. How long has the community been running?
    We are approaching our 4th year.
  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
    3EbD9A hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
  5. What is the community server address?
  6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
    Amacı Olmayan Tayfa (@amaciolmayantayfats) • Instagram photos and videos
    We have it in our Facebook communities, but I didn’t throw it out because there are more than one.
  7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.
    We organize free room service and game tournaments. According to Gametracker data, we are currently the fifth in the world. According to the old data, we were the first and second in the world.
    Many people on the server know each other and there is a great friendship environment.

1. What is your community name?

Tech Morph

2. What position do you hold in the community?

Senior Administrator

3. How long has the community been running?

Since 2009. Almost 12 years.

4. Do you have a current logo for the community?

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

5. What is the community server address?

6. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?

FACEBOOK - Tech Morph
INSTAGRAM - Tech Morph (@tech_morph) • Instagram photos and videos
YOUTUBE - Tech Morph - YouTube

King Pasindu

7. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.

Tech Morph is an e-sports organization started in 2009. One of the first esports organizatons in Sri Lanka. Tech Morph consists of over 300 members at present which includes e-Sports athletes from all over the country. Currently the organization has over 100 teams taking part in various single-player and multi-player titles. TM is a registered entity of Sri Lanka e-Sports Association (SLESA) which is registered in the Ministry of Sports. TM is one of the 6 main entities and we have been a part of SLESA since its beginning back in 2012. and one of the Top 5 eSports Organizations in Sri Lanka and altogether boasts more than a decade of successful gaming history.

Tech Morph is clan of over 300 members and players utilize the TS server primarily for communication. It helps the clan maintain key communication from a small scale to a large scale, whether it’s a team meeting consisting of 5 to 10 members or a clan meeting, consisting of over 150+ members at a given moment. The ‘pop-up message’ function has helped maintain communicating key messages when clan members join at different times of the day. Players from other countries such as India, Maldives, Bangladesh and Australia have also joined the server from time-to-time for the purpose of finding matches and even to join the clan. Overall over 2000 users have joined our TS averaging 80 to 90 users on a daily basis as well.

The higher slot level of the server has helped us to handle clan meetings seamlessly and the server itself has contributed a lot towards Tech Morph in keeping the clan active and engaging. It has also given the opportunity for new members to interact with old members of the clan, aiding their training and development needs.

We hope to continue our partnership with u and keep growing with u.

What a great idea. We as VATSIM Germany would love to achieve our own community badge. Please find the requested answers below! :slight_smile:

  1. What is your community name?
    VATSIM Germany

  2. What position do you hold in the community?
    Chief PR & Events

  3. How long has the community been running?
    Since 2001

  4. Do you have a current logo for the community?
    Yes, we do.
    It looks like this:
    VATGer-Logo-Colour TS
    In case we actually receive a badge (so excited) we could suggest this design:

5.What is the community server address?

  1. Do you have any web/social/streamer links for the community?
    Vatsim Germany

  2. Describe in as much details as possible what makes your community unique, or what makes the server special.

Our Community aims to simulate Flight Simulation and Air Traffic Controlling on the most realistic level possible. We therefore have virtual Air Traffic Controllers who actually are trained to provide servive to our pilots (flight simulator users). We also offer training to pilots in order to understand the complex procedures and rules that are required by aviation. Our community consists of approximately 7400 members and the international community has about 100.000 active members.
Pilots are able to fly to Germany from various origins and will encounter Air Traffic Management including the correct phraseology as used in real life. Many real life controllers and pilots have confirmed the realism we try to maintain and improve.

Since Teamspeak is our only officially used voice communication platform for our members and helps to coordinate among our controllers, manage events and come together for small talk we would love to gain a community badge for VATSIM Germany. You cannot imagine how excited we are because of this possibility, escpecially due to the fact that TeamSpeak has been a very valueable partner to VATSIM Germany for many years.

:airplane: :airplane: :airplane: :airplane:

Just a question that a couple of people have had. (Will add this to the questions and answers above).

Is this a public badge similar to our range of badges as it stands, or will it be a badge that we can give out to our users?

This would be a public badge, so anyone can effectively redeem your badge.

  1. EaZy Gaming Community
  2. Founder and Owner
  3. Since 2014
  4. Yes
  7. We started as a group of gamers who wanted to create a space for people that enjoy the same passions to have fun together, during all these years we ended up creating an open environment made for gamers by gamers
  1. LaLeagane - It’s all about gaming!
  2. Owner
  3. 2006 and still counting
  4. llg-logo
  5. /
  6. | | Redirecting... | LaLeagane (@laleagane) • Instagram photos and videos
  7. Biggest and most beautiful Romanian gaming community. Every member has so much passion and everyone contributes so we can achieve big things together. That is what makes us unique!

Thank you in advance. I hope you have a great day!