Ban users having ip addresses in their names

I have a TS3 server configured similar to
All users who connect to the server get to the default channel where chat and voice communication are disabled. They create temporary channels with a password. The list of users inside the channels is hidden.
There are some users/bots out there who connect to server using names like: NewTS3Server Then they start DDoS attack on server that disconnects my server from internet for several seconds. That causes all temporary channels to be deleted ('cuz there are no users in them, they all disconnected). Then server goes back online and all users are in the default channel. And among them there is one with NewTS3Server so it’s some kind of advertisment I guess.
To prevent this, I created a “ban rule” with regular expression.
RegEx itself I found here: How to Find or Validate an IP Address
I added .* to start and to end so it look like this: .*\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b.*

And it works like expected, but… If you put the symbol “_” before IP (e.g. NewIPis_192.168.1.1) - it will let you connect. I don’t understand the reason, so I need your help to figure it out.

_192.168.1.1 not banned
Your rule just don’t work like expected. All your examples not banned

I guess the .* is missing.
I condensed it a little. This should do exactly what you want.
Here is a great explanation on how this regex works: RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx


Thanks, @Gamer92000 . Works like a sharm :relieved:

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Great idea, but I guess detecting domain names is far more complicated…

If you want to ban every TLD you would need some more ban rules…
But I fiddled around a little and came up with this:
This creates all necessary ban rules to ban EVERY TLD.
I personally wouldn’t ban www and http but if it is actually needed I see why you would do so.

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Man, you’re good! Thanks for this one! :hugs:
Hope someone googling TeamSpeak 3 How to ban by domain name in nickname will get here and will just be so happy to have those!

137 Rules with ALL Top Level Domains (TLD) to ban

I may have gone a little crazy but I really wanted to remove case sensitivity…
Sooo… It might be a little slow as the execution is client side but here you go:
This will always be up to date as long as the source is updated.

It results in currently ~ 2^8 banrules.


Yes for a long time I thought so too. But by now I encountered a few people.

Yeah nope.? Wouldn’t this give many false positives?

Yeah I honestly would never use this but I liked the challenge of creating this script.

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