Bot TS3 onTalkStatusChangeEvent


I’m beggining in C. I want to do a TS3 bot for execute function with this call onTalkStatusChangeEvent. Can you just explain me how can I do that ? I installed Visual Studio and I downloaded SDK 3.1.1. I read the exemple client code, I can’t connect with my local server so i’m stuck !


You can’t create bot’s like that.
The sdk can only be used to connect to sdk servers.
It is meant to be integrated in other projects like ingame voice chats e.g.

You could either create a plugin with the plugin sdk. This would however still require a running client.
The other possibility is to use some 3rd party sdk but I’m not sure what the TS ToS say about that.
I’d image though it shouldn’t be a problem.

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Je me permets de t’écrire en français, au vu du pseudo je suppose que tu es français.

Merci pour ta réponse. Qu’entendus tu par plugin sdk ? Sur la page de téléchargement ts, dans l’onglet sdk j’ai téléchargé le premier lien. C’est celui là dont tu parles ?

The majority of the forum is german btw on the Profile you can see that he is German :wink:

This is the official plugin API (the one hidden above the other api on the download page).
It links to the official TS github repo: GitHub - TeamSpeak-Systems/ts3client-pluginsdk: TeamSpeak 3 Client Plugin SDK

But this will one let you create extensions for the normal TS3 client.