Guess not using screenshares today
Tech stuff:
- Stuck on Suspending, switches to Starting at random times (back and forth lol)
- Somehow duplicated # of slots, while real # of slots stays at 6
Guess not using screenshares today
Tech stuff:
yea same, as I’m (or we’re all) waiting for server files I created a community for the time. But its stuck in “Starting community”
Supposed to be a button below
Gues, no communities for me
Please try pressing F5 once on your keyboard while you are on the communities page. The button should appear.
@pnzrfst We are actively looking into this. Thanks for the report.
Same here, I suspended community and its stuck too.
Also here, @piksna & @squirrelofpain & @papautak, please try pressing F5 once on your keyboard while you are on the communities page. It could be that the site simply didn’t update the current state of the server.
If this doesn’t fix it, please be patient as we’re looking into this.
yea it switches to the suspended tab and it still shows the “starting community” also I can’t connect to the community.
I refreshed it multiple times, also login-logouted and still doesn’t work.
I made server in NY and it worked, looks like you have issues at Germany.
Same issue occurring in the ny1 region as well, stuck on “Creating” and moving to suspended as well.
Wasn’t able to create a community on the Frankfurt servers, said they’re unavailable.
Started one on the NY server with 6 slots, which worked, but the actual number slots is only 2
Hey, the Frankfurt Region should be available again! As for the issues with suspended servers or servers not starting, we are in the process of investigating those.
As you can imagine, there are a lot of servers we need to go through, so please bear with us.