I tried suspending a community and reactivate it. But the community stuck in suspending page for 2 days and i can connect to server but cant do any change of the server( community)
Since I got an error on trying to setup the new community I cancel the subscription, but at the moment I cancel the community got up and running and appears this message “This community is suspended since Jan 30, 2025, 10:23:56 AM and will be deleted in 30 days.” and I can´t reactivate the community.
As I have already activated the subscription again, I would like to continue with the community.
Thank you!
Click on claim community again. If a subscription enters a moment of downtime, this will “suspend” a server (and this is stored for 30 days). If you resub prior to the 30 days and want to use the same server again, you just need to reclaim it.
I got same problems right here. Stuck at suspending for 2 days that i want to reactivate it and i cant claim community. And I have 27 slot plan. How can i fix this?
Should be good now when you get the chance to look.
Right now its on starting service state. Thanks a lot. If stuck at start state i will let you know. Really Thanks!
I have been waiting for 14 days for my community to I have paid money for it and I have not been able to do anything with it for 14 days. Can you help me? My patience is slowly running out.
@ssNx I want to apologize for the downtime of the Server. I’ve forwarded your issue internally and it should get resolved tomorrow.
I am not sure how we handle these situations, but I also mentioned a compensation for the long downtime.
If anyone else still has problems with their Community please let me know and we’ll review this further.
thx at least someone who can and wants to help
@ssNx Please try again and see if you can connect now.
it works, thank you
my server is doing the same thing
Your community was removed as it was one of the early ones that didn’t spawn properly. You should be able to create a new community without issue if you visit myteamspeak.com → communities tab → go from there. @Afraidlina
The community is up and running (and can be joined) so I don’t see an issue here. @survn
@ssNx We’ve partly refunded your Community. The refund may take a while to process. (Up to 10 business days)
@Gle1ze Your Community should be restarted. Please try again.
@survn Your friends may need to add the Server as a bookmark. There is a known client issue currently.
How long, am i supposed to wait to connect to community i made?
in dashboard i got information that community is ok and set, but in teamspeak6 its “cannot resolve hostname” ?
It shouldn’t take much longer than a few minutes. Have you added the Server to your Bookmarks? There is currently a bug in the client itself which sometimes prevents connections to server who are not in the Bookmark list.
i got it in the bookmarks, connected, set password, try to make transmission, but now i got problem with reconnect…
And you closed the active tab in the sidebar and connected by clicking on the Bookmark right?
If I could check if the Server is working. Just send me the IP in a DM