I can't upload icons (file input/output error)

Whenever I try to upload an icon to the server, I get this error message: “Transfer “icon_2105949722” reported: (file input/output error)”

Do not use special characters in the file name such as ÜÄÖ etc.

The problem is that this is not actually the name of the file. If I now try to upload “Administrator.png” as an example, it doesn’t show me the correct name, but something like “icon_13123123123123”

Something with the system or permissions is not OK.

User who runs the server can not write or read the files folder. (check permissions).
The files folder is not there at all.
The files folder was linked and linking is not working.
System locales are not compatible with UTF8.


“Owner”, “Group” and “Other” all have R, W and X rights (WinSCP). I have also tried to upload the icons via YaTQA, i.e. with query rights, but to no avail. The files folder is not linked. How do I see if the system locales are not compatible with UTF8? And if so, how do I change it and to what?

In YaTQA, the icon that I uploaded via YaTQA is also displayed, but it is not displayed in Teamspeak
Bild_2023-11-25_204642102 Teamspeak
Bild_2023-11-25_204657242 YaTQA

You may read that for the locales. (Made that once years ago so I can’t help out).

Can’t speak for YatQa it only uses the ServerQuery and maybe their interface has a cache.

Have you checked if there are files in the files folder at all and are these ok when you try to open them?
Files have another name but should be fine when you copy them and give them the old name before you open any.

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Yes, there are files in the files folder

But when I open one of the icons, there’s nothing in it.

I think I will try to set up the server again. If that doesn’t work, I’ll just not use any icons, I don’t want to cause myself any more headaches

But thanks for the help anyway :slight_smile:

Owner is 998? Is this a docker server or this a root user?
In normal setup on Linux I would expect Owner have 755 (and user not being root)

In case this is a docker server, you may check the start parameters and port forward to the right IP in the system.