New update made the server UI... HUGE?

I downgraded to the last version. Not updating till they fix this lmao.

How do you prevent the client from auto-downloading and installing the update?
Iā€™m trying to downgrade myself, but the client insists on updating to 6.0.0-beta2.

I downgraded, came home just now the next day and it auto updatedā€¦ sigh.

if I find an answer Iā€™ll let you know, please do the same.

Teamspeak is now huge, aprox 3x times bigger - please return to old layout asap

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Pleaseā€¦ Revert the spacing. Not only do I have to scroll a whole screen on my vertical screen, it completely ruins the channel art for no benefit whatsoever.


The new small is the old big. It already was on the most compact setting, yet it scaled up by a factor of almost 2.

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Iā€™m using a 1440p monitor; 27.5".
The new beta looks a bit too big, the text is too bigā€¦ and itā€™s already at itā€™s smallest. Normal should be Normal text, and small should be small, currently small is way too big.

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Everything you just said is foreign language to me but Iā€™ll take your word for it xD

Really bummed about thisā€¦ the mods are actively moving post into mine so they are aware of thisā€¦ hopefully theyā€™ll do something about it.

Thanks for the research!

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New UI is just repulsiveā€¦ spacing way to big, font size is all over the place

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Hey all, I just wanted to drop in and leave a comment here as well.

Thanks for all the design feedback, itā€™s very welcome and much appreciated. As you can probably imagine, weā€™ve been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people who have shown up since launch.

Now for the feedback: Most of what Iā€™ve read here so far is very valid, and I can already say that weā€™ll be addressing it, but I canā€™t give an exact timeframe at the moment for the next update with design changes.

Nonetheless, please continue to give us your feedback, thank you!


Thanks for the reply and the professionalism to listen to some harsh feedback voiced here and there in the heat of the moment. Really appreciate the will to listen to the community! Thank you!


Iā€™ve stopped 5.0.0-beta77 from auto-updating for the moment, but Iā€™m not sure how I did it.

At first I created a Windows Firewall rule that was supposed to block TeamSpeakā€™s update channel IP address, but it backfired and blocked all access to TeamSpeakā€™s online services so I disabled that rule.

However it seems that it did actually do the trick in stopping TeamSpeak from auto-updating at the moment, as long as I donā€™t click on the ā€œCheck for updatesā€ in the about section, it shouldnā€™t be a problem.

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I just went back to TS3, I never liked the new Client and that was the straw that broke the camels back.

And it works just fine, so maybe something to consider.

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Been thinking about itā€¦