TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta45.x

Beta 45.1 is available in our closed beta channel.

As we did tease in last announcement: Whisperlists are back!

  • Use synced lists ! Create new ! Setup targets ! Use hotkeys ! as you are used to from TS3.
  • New is a whisper manager that can be opened with a right click on Target (channel or user) or while you are connected and have the whisper settings opened.
  • This whisper manager opens as an activity. It has feature to show a preview where you would whisper to with current selected whisperlist. You will see an orange frame around the targets.
  • We hope the new setup for whisper is less confusing as it was in TS3.

We also touched the pinned message dialog and removed the number when minimized and removed the old pinned message dialog.

An avatar that was set in the account page now updates for contacts and chats without the need to restart the client.


Beta 45
* Add whisper list support with live preview
 * Fix whisper indicator going blue for a few frames
* Pinned message improvements
* Fix avatars of other users not updating
* Fix show moderation events, which broke with beta44
* Various bug fixes and improvements

Beta 45.1
* Fix whisper list edit not updating when switching modes
* Fix being unable to delete whisper lists in some cases

Beta 45.2
* Fix having to press PTT hotkey in addition to whisper when using PTT in combination with Group whisper lists

Known issues

  • Whisper to channel group are not shown with red frame in server tree.
  • Channel also have a red frame when you whisper to a target that is that channel (we need to discuss and decide if we leave it that way or just add a red frame around the users)
  • PTT key must be pressed with whisper hotkey when PTT is active

Notes for this thread

  • Feedback for this release is always welcome in this thread :smiley: . Issues that are not related to this update belong to an own thread.
  • We suggest to place wishes for upcoming releases in existing or new threads in the suggestion area instead of the release thread. This one will be closed after some days and the wish or suggestion will be lost.
  • We allow ourself to delete all the off-topic posts from this thread.

Update is very cool!

1 Like


Cool Update! But the whisper manager is not working fine for me, or maybe I’m just too stupid to use it :rofl:

  • I can not rename whisperlists
  • Also I can’t delete a complete list
  • I cant remove a channel or client from the list
  • The drop down menu for the whisperlist is not working
    → for example: I choose “New Whisperlist (2)”, but the text in the dropdown menu always says “New Whisperlist (1)” - it’s always the last whisperlist that I added (technically the change works)
  • It is not recognizable in the whisper manager that you have set a hotkey for “Whisper to List”
    → in settings in the tab “Key Bindings” I now have countless hotkeys for it (Screenshot by Lightshot)

This problem seem to happen when whisperlists are synced but not the hotkey for it.
We are going to fix this.


Why do I have an update from 03/11/2021 on 03/10/2021?


It’s an known issue. :laughing:

Because you ignored my post about it?

1 Like

Oh ok thanks

Just for your information, a reply to your version 1 of the post :laughing:
I have all the icons (the pen, the minus etc.) and click them like crazy, but unfortunately nothing happens.
Were you able to recreate all the problems and know what I’m talking about?
However, everything does not work for me either if I have saved a hotkey (hotkey works though) :grin:

This is why version 1 of my post does not exists any longer.


We just released an hotfix to fix issues that got reported with the whisperlist.

* Fix whisper list edit not updating when switching modes
* Fix being unable to delete whisper lists in some cases

@RIPENCE please try again :slight_smile:


Known issue

PTT key must be pressed with whisper hotkey when PTT is active. We will fix this


Everything is working fine now. Thank you very much :yum:

We released another update to fix an issue with whispering while PTT is active.

* Fix having to press PTT hotkey in addition to whisper when using PTT in combination with Group whisper lists


Glad to see some movement for TS5 development. I’m not gonna lie, I was kinda giving up after all these many years of not so much going on with a featureless client.

Still no possibility of changing avatar from within TS5, I guess it is on purpose because of this Crash on Manjaro OS - #7 by TS.ChrisR

Keep up the good work, the alternatives to TS are strong and they ate everybody (by they I mean Discord itself of course), it’s time to get some shares back by providing a better alternative to the other(s) communication programs.


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