Не работает идентификатор после переустановки виндовс The identifier does not work after reinstalling windows

перед переустановкой виндовс создал идентификатор, после переустановки указываю его в тимспик но привелегий на серверах нет. как вернуть привилегии?

before reinstalling windows created an identifier, after reinstalling it indicated it in the team speak but there are no privileges on the server. how to return privileges?

This is the way!

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If by “Идентификатор” you mean “Identity”, you need to import it via Identities menu (Ctrl+I). In there you click right mouse button in Local Identities and choose Import, next choose file you wanna import.

Also, when connecting to server, check if selected Identity is the one you had permissions on. If not, change it and connect after that. Also, check “Enable myTeamSpeak features”. If nothing helps, it would be good to contact Server Administration.

Additionally, please log in to your myTeamSpeak account and choose Automatic Synchronization. this way you’ll never lose your saved options.

P.S. Please, use English language on forum.


Если под «Идентификатор» вы подразумеваете «Идентичность», вам необходимо импортировать его через меню «Идентификационные данные» (Ctrl + I). Там вы нажимаете правую кнопку мыши в Local Identities и выбираете Import, затем выбираете файл, который хотите импортировать.

Кроме того, при подключении к серверу проверьте, является ли выбранная вами личность той, на которую у вас есть разрешения. Если нет, измените его и подключитесь после этого. Также отметьте «Включить функции myTeamSpeak» .Если ничего не помогает, было бы хорошо связаться с администрацией сервера.

Кроме того, войдите в свою учетную запись myTeamSpeak и выберите «Автоматическая синхронизация». Таким образом, вы никогда не потеряете свои сохраненные опции.


Постскриптум Пожалуйста, используйте английский язык на форуме.

“In there you click right mouse button in Local Identities and choose Import, next choose file you wanna import” - I did this, but the privileges on the server are not installed on me. I as a new user on the server.

i log in to myTeamSpeak account and choose Automatic Synchronization - all bookmarks are present

Have you ever been on this server while logged to your myTeamSpeak account? If not, only importing Identity/Recovery Key will help.

Have you ever been on this server while logged to your myTeamSpeak account? -
Yes, I was under my account. all powers on all servers where I had the rights disappeared.

Well, that’s weird… Normally when you have myTS acc and you’re logged to your acc, no matter what, everything is synced…

Ah crap, don’t know… I want to help, but I have no idea… Maybe try contacting Server Admins, if, of course, it’s not this type of server where you are granted permissions depending on time spent on server.

Or there’s one thing. Check your Identity while connecting to server, cause AFAIR, I’ve also had this kind of error long time ago, and it was in my case set to wrong Identity.

If this doesn’t help, I’m helpless, sorry :frowning:

this problem is not only mine, friends also said that after reinstalling windows you have to go to all the servers that you use and ask to give user rights, because you’re like a guest

If that’s the case then either something is really wrong, either we’re not communicating on the same waves.

In past 3-4 years I installed whole bunch of OSes at least 20-25 times (4 different computers, both Windows and Linux Distros + VMs) and everytime I logged in to myTS, I had my settings restored.

Don’t know. Maybe someone will help, but it may time some time, depending on time zone.

Either way, good luck. Hope you will have your problem solved.

The TeamSpeak server could not validate your myTeamSpeak ID. Some myTeamSpeak related services are not available. - this error is indicated if in the bookmark i set “enable myTeamSpeak features”

It appears that there are some problems with myTS right now. Just be patient and wait.