TS client crashes on MacOS when connecting

Experiencing the same issue w/ 11.3 Public Beta 2. Any help would be appreciated.

Here’s a link to my logs and crash dump.

I am in the same desperate situation , apparently a MacOS beta issue. If TS beta could help I’d be glad, any other help is appreciated, thanks

Same problem here on MacMini M1 running MacOS 11.3 Beta.
It crash silently when trying to connect to a server or trying to access the audio device.

Some Ideas why it could happen:
In the MacOS System Preferences>Security&Privacy>Privacy>Microphone Teamspeak doesn’t appear.
Maybe MacOS force Teamspeak to stop while Teamspeak try to access the microphone.

Does any fast change or approach exist to get Teamspeak working so that I can connect to my work server?

Got the same issue on my 5K Mac after updating to 11.3 Beta (not on purpose, my mac just restarted today)
got the same problem of my ts3 just shutting down asap i open it for connecting to a server.

Could i get invited to the Beta, so i can still use TS?

@jxstxn @alainlogue

Later this day (9:15 AM here at the moment) you will get an updated client.
Will make a post then.


Here you can get an updated beta version for MacOS.
This one works with latest Big Sur Beta.



Yet it doesn’t crash for me w/ Big Sur 11.3b4 (20E5210c).

Thank you for your message. I removed existing TeamSpeak 3 together with preferences and reinstalled. 3.5.7. Indeed, it works fine now. I will delete my original message.

Hello, crash when i try to join a server, can you help me please?

the dmb file : AE8DA0D9-0374-4C26-976C-1D91E377E6E8.dmp - Google Drive



On macOS 11.3 (released today), TeamSpeak 3.5.6 crashes upon connecting to a server. In Console, a message from ts3client_mac is logged with the level FAULT right before the crash:
“This application, or a library it uses, is using the deprecated Component Manager for hosting Audio Components. This is not supported when rebuilding against the 11.00 or later SDK. Also, this makes the host incompatible with version 3 audio units. Please transition to the API’s in AudioComponent.h.”


Getting the same problem after update to 11.3.

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Here is the client to fix that



The 3.5.7 beta 1 client allows me to connect to servers again, and I don’t see any more FAULT level log messages. Hurray, thank you!

(The beta is however, not notarized, so hopefully that’s just a side-effect of the beta release pipeline.)


Good morning everyone,

I want to report an issue in Teamspeak 3 for the Mac.

Since yesterday macOS 11.3 is available for download. Apple released it yesterday.

So, when I try to connect any server - Teamspeak is going to crash. The window just disappear and the App is closing.

I just want to report this bug.

Have a great day and stay healthy!



Having the same issue! Exactly same error behavior


I’m glad I am not alone. Thanks for replying!

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ah look here, there’s even a beta version available: TS client crashes on MacOS when connecting - #8 by LoneStarGazer

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Had the same issue on 11.3. The new beta 3.5.7 resolved the issue!

Thank you!


I updated my Apple on 4/26/2021 with the BigSur update and now I get this error message.