TS RPG Page 55

After politely waiting for his current customer to depart, you approach the table of the gambling sailor, and hop into the chair across from him.

An old man, he works nimbly with his coins and clears them away at your approach. He smiles a toothless grin. “Mornin’, friend. What’s your game? Haycross? Draughts? Centaur? Black Rum?’’ He shuffles a pack of painted cards, and beside him is a bowl of dice and other gaming implements.

Do you engage him in a game and then “ease in’’ the subject of the grey-suited men? If so, go to https://community.teamspeak.com/t/ts-rpg-page-73. If you prefer to just bring up the subject (perhaps with a bribe, if it seems necessary) then go to https://community.teamspeak.com/t/ts-rpg-page-84