WebQuery discussion/help (3.12.0 onwards)

Hey there,

how can i use the serverinfo command?
at the old query system, we first had to select the virtual server via the use command. This command is not supported via the web_api und the serverinfo command retruns the informations about the first server ever created on the host.

This is how you could do it.

Server must be selected (1 in my example) and user must own scope manage.


Hello to all,

Iā€™d like to start a discussion about the HTTP interface in the latest versions of TeamSpeak 3 Server and especially about the clientlist command.
My need is the following: to get the list of users connected on a virtual server with the nickname, cid, clid, connection ip and uuid.
From an SSH connection it is possible to add the parameters -uid -ip etc. But how to do it using HTTP interface?

Thanks in advance,

Just add it with &- behind the API key




Hello there,
Thank you very much for your help! This format did not come to mind.

I just wanted to ask again, will this ever land in Teamspeak server? I am waiting forever for this :frowning:

I made a small Munin monitoring plugin that queries http://localhost:10080/1/clientlist every 5 minutes. After a week or two the web query always stops responding and queries result in a timeout, similar observations when using curl. Iā€™m running the official Docker image, it starts working again after a container restart. I see no bans being recorded in the logs.

Has anyone observerd similar things?

Is there any way to get the ping of every client connected? All I have rn. is a average, however its not very practical for network monitoring, as if one client has a 0 or 1000 ping the whole average is becoming less useful.