Where can I download TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta77

How to download directly
TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta77

I can’t update on my client to
TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta77

Not all versions are published with a full installer. Some versions, like the current beta one, are only published as updates. At which stage does the update fail?

After clicking Check for updates, I was prompted that it was already the latest, but I still had 5.0.0-beta76

My guess is that you can not reach our server where updates are stored.

What is your client log saying when you check for updates?
Is there an update log and what is in it?

Log path


Here is the Windows installer for beta 77 (download expires in 7 days).
But this won't solve your update problem!!!!!


Can you send the link again? The link is invalid

If you want to download the beta77 version, you can simply download the beta76 version from the official website TeamSpeak Downloads | TeamSpeak and update to beta77 in the options.

If you have problems with updating, you have to wait for the staff to send you the download link.

No need to create multiple threads and posts

another 7 days