2nd TeamSpeak Gameday - New Participation Badge & Rule Changes

Here is the first 1.5 hours :smiley:


Bro hahah
I hate that part, I died so many times because of it, if you jump there you are out.

Thanks for sharing.


The guy talking there was so friendly & funny :smiley:

hahah it was really fun :rofl:

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Thank you all for stopping by! :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

I think we can all agree that it was a really fun Gameday (even tho I never made it to the finals). As always, we appreciate the feedback we receive for the event as it helps us shape it around for next time.

I also went ahead and created a Gameday Room for anyone who would like to chat with each other after the event or discuss current or future Gamedays.

Link: https://tmspk.gg/bS6NDbxX
Public Address: #tsgameday:chat.teamspeak.com

Thanks again and see you all next time! :saluting_face: