Accounting: File exists

Hello folks,

I’m currently stuck with my teamspeak server. After I upgraded to freebsd 13.3.p4 it stopped working.
When I start the server as the teamspeak user I get the following error and the server stops: ERROR |Accounting | |could not register the local accounting service: The file already exists
This error is not new in this forum, here is one example: Could not register the local accounting service: The file already exists

Typicly there is a file in /dev/shm or the database wasn’t close properly and there is a database file with shm or wal at the end. However in my case there is no /dev/shm because it’s a freebsd jail and there is no shm or wal database file.

Unfortunately there is no info in the logs about which file exists, which would be helpful. I can start the server as root, which is a bad idea.

Has anyone any idea which file might be the one? If you have any idea on how to get more information on troubleshooting this error, pleases tell me because currently I have no clue.

Kind regards,