All markdowns supported in channels description by TeamSpeak5

Hello, can you help me to create list of all types of supported markdowns by TeamSpeak5 client? If you know something, share below.

Support for additional BBCode Support will be coming soon - look at TeamSpeak Road Map

Already i find:

__italic style__ → italic text → put text in middle of this: ____

**BOLD** → bold text → put text in middle of this: ****

~~Barred~~ → barred text → (thanks to @TheViceroys ) → put text in middle of this: ~~~~

[text with links]( with link → (thanks to @Multivitamin) → put link in first [], and the name of link in ():

inline codetext display as inline code → (thanks to @Multivitamin) → put text in middle of this: ``

Hello Word! → seems like piece of code (put text in the middle of this: ``````)

Multiple lines of code with markup (thanks for @Multivitamin):

const text = "multiple lines of code with markup";

this should look like this:

const text = “multiple lines of code with markup”;

More examples with other programs languages here. Author: @_limee



Barred → ~~Barred~~


added, tanks!


text with links -> [text with links](
inline code -> `inline code`

const text = "multiple lines of code with markup";

-> ```javascript
const text = “multiple lines of code with markup”;


Thanks, i will try add this (i probably can’t edit my post more than 2 times :confused: )

fixed :smiley:


moved by moderator

So, Ive been doodling around with markdown, and I found very little info on what works and where it works.

I would love to be able to make markdown tables in the channel desc, but that doesnt work. Some seem to work in channel desc, some seem to only work in chat. Am I wrong here? Are there any list that is updated somewhere? one for channel, one for chat so forth would be great.

Well, I saw this post and saw it was 2 years old, so I figures we could use something more updated. Well well