Badges in Teamspeak 5, where did they go?

After the server crashed yesterday I have no longer been able to show my badges in Teamspeak 5.
I have tried everything and even reinstalled but no luck. Any help would be great unless this is a server issue? Thx people :slight_smile:

Do they show in the Client settings?
Are they visible on
Do you have myTS features enabled in the bookmarks?
Does they show on other servers?
Does the server log write an error that could hint to the problem?

I have reinstalled and everything.
They show in the client and at under my account
All settings are enabled and in bookmarks
They badges dont show on any servers
How do I get to the log?

Back up and running now, so I guess the servers were messing about for 24 hours or so.

Mine are seemingly still missing.

Edit: Seemingly got fixed by itself around 1 day later.

I did also do a complete reinstall. Maybe your connected to a different server, I don’t know sorry.

I also have the same problem. MyTS features are enabled for bookmarked servers and it shows on my account settings in the client and in the account section on the website.

But yet it still doesn’t show up in the server I’m frequenting. Another friend of mine has his badges fully working.