Beta signup

Been using ts3 for so many years. Very proud of y’all taking this on. Looks so good. Can’t wait to use it as my main comms for valorant scrims. <#

Hi guys.

Someone know how i can reg. me for the new Ts?
Or still on Closed status?

have a nice day

Beta signup is open again! If you want to test-drive the upcoming TeamSpeak Client, then head over to and add your name to the waiting list.

We hope to hear you soon!


Thx for the fast reply.

Hope ill get soon a E-Mail :slight_smile:

teamspeak got it both now, the best voicechat available and a client from this millenium,
gonna love talking people back into ts after i convinced them switching to discord.

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Just a quick message - We’re going to wait until the majority of the staff have returned from their holidays before we begin to send the keys out. This is purely just to make sure that if something goes wrong (which we don’t think it will) then we have the support needed to cover these scenario’s if they occur. I’m just mentioning this so people don’t keep checking their inboxes or break their F5 keys. Once we begin to send these out, we’ll update this post and our social media to inform people of when to start checking.


How long does it take for one to be accepted to the BETA program? And does everybody get accepted?

Read this topic:
Beta signup - Announcements - TeamSpeak

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Danke vür die info

only i feel a little funny that new users lament the best about how long they have been waiting for their beta key? :smiley:
(do not take it as an insult, its just a little funny)


Just for the mod team awareness. I have signed up for the beta program. I am a TS2 / TS3 user for the past 20 years. I have been running a TS2/TS3 server since probably around 2006 through I’m sharing this not to rush beta access but more just to say whenever the dev team is looking to test integration with 3rd party hosting providers, let me know and I’ll be happy to test from my gameservers side.


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I need you in my life. Discord is grossing me out. Kappa

Just waiting so many years, that TS 5 will be finished.
Got no Beta Key from f… anywhere. And now it´s the beginning of 2021. Wow!

Im just so disappointed and annoyed, that there´s no way to get any entry, testing the Beta-Version. No official Release-Date nothing… sucks so hard!

This will be a Never-Ending Story?!?1

Don´t know how to think about Teamspeak right now…

At the moment you have the possibility to join the waiting list for the beta access via the TeamSpeak Content Portal.
You can find more information about this in Beta signup - Announcements - TeamSpeak.


sa me rapel fortement un jeux nommé Identity, ils nous parle de bon contenu nous font envie mais au final toujours rien, j’attend aussi depuis un bon nombre d’année l’ouverture des inscription Bêta et toujours rien nul part. donc je suis extrement déçu de leurs part .

First of all the forum language is English!

If you have been waiting for a long time for the. Beta, you can now put yourself - as I wrote above - via with your myTeamSpeak account on the waiting list.

Ah I’m really sorry I’ll speak in English now thank you.

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waited so many years, wait a little more dude =)

I’m hoping to learn more about the beta registration keys in the following days now that the whole team have returned from their holidays. Once I have definite information I will update this post.


Let’s be honest here… 2 times a day easy right? xD