I’ve been through I’m pretty sure every beta wave and I’ve yet to get accepted all my friends have full ts5 access what the ■■■■ am I doing wrong…
When was your registration?
im not really sure how i would check that before 2020 though probably in 2018 if your talking when i created the account
(Screenshot - c685c871d653a5422eb01d73d15f0efd - Gyazo)
a link to a email I received after the first wave was sent out haven’t gotten one since…
If you registered for the original closed beta access but haven’t redeemed your closed beta access badge codes, or you have never received the email for closed beta access – The codes that were sent out to everyone have now expired and are non-replaceable. You will need to register on beta.teamspeak.com to join the current registrations if you want to join the closed beta. (The final codes for the original beta signups were sent out in January 2020 and these codes expired in the summer of 2020).