When I’m connected to multiple servers and I leave from one of them then the icons on the side bar will still the same. But if I join to a server while I’m still muted it will only shows the muted icon next to the server(s) I was in and it won’t show next to the server I joined while I’m still muted on the newer server. I’ll try to show it with pictures:
This is when I’m muted:
Then I join again, and I’m still muted but it won’t show it.
It’s the same with the “deafen” icon (as you can see).
If you need some more infos or have any question don’t hesitate to comment.
You are not globally muted in the gif. So no mute icon is expected to show up in the last tab.
But the other 2 tabs should show a blue mute icon in sidebar.
But #2: We need a way to reproduce this. Showing pictures, gifs give no information here.
Edit: I think I found the reason why this is happening.
I lost connection to “Official TeamSpeak Beta Server” and to “NRG Community TeamSpeak3” then I was reconnected automatically. I think that’s the reason why the icons didn’t load that I was mutated.