Can not change my Nickname

How i can change nick if i do it in ts3 client writes it Invalid username.
I try a lots of nick.


That’s still the case.


It’s still disabled.

There is no release date yet

sup folks

were or how can i change my username?

the qestion is not for teamspeak 3 or 5 client, its for the forum

i wanna change it

You can only change your forum name via the TeamSpeak 5 client, which is currently not possible.

Hi everyone, my question is very simple.

How can i change my username ?
On the website it’s not possible i don’t know why and on the teamspeak 5 client when i change my username to anything else i have the following error: “invalid username provided”. :frowning:

User name change is currently disabled.



I am running into an issue that I can not change my MyTeamspeak username using the ts3 or new teamspeak client. I always get the error message “Invalid username provided”, even when trying fully random usernames. Is this a temporary error or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks, Best!

Changing the nickname is not possible at the moment.

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Hello, How to change username in Teamspeak 5? and where is the writing part from the server chat?

currently you can’t change your myteamspeak ID. This is temporary disabled. How long? I don’t know. But changing your Username on each server is still available. Right click your name and click on the pen besides your name. And in the new Teamspeak client you can’t read the server chat anymore.


When I click on “Change Username” I type the new username but it won’t change. How do I get That Fixed?

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Currently, the function to change the username is disabled.

Welp that makes me mad…

In the future it will be possible

well future can be tomorrow or 50 years


I’m in TeamSpeak 5 Beta but i can’t start free server. ( - YouTube )


I can’t change my username on myTeamspeak or TeamSpeak client.

Unfortunately, free servers as well as changing the username is not possible at the moment.

Okey, thanks