Can not save audio settings on non-default device since b65

When can we expect an official fix for this issue?
As this issue as been around for close to a year.
And doing the ‘work around’ every time I open Teamspeak is a bit annoying.

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Thank you so much!
Removing the SQL entry fixed the issue, so far. Hope it stays that way.
Yes, I unplugged my audio device before. I have a focusrite interface and sometimes my driver just dies (once in 3 months, so nothing worrying). Once it happened while I was talking to friends, and maybe it damaged some setting.
I tried to find something like your fix already, but I had no luck. So thanks for linking it.

Any update on this please?


Would be nice to get an update, even a “Yes, we are aware and working on a fix” :slight_smile:

I would also be interested to know if the problem is being worked on. I have the same problem. Both before with the SCARLETT SOLO and now with the EVO 4.

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Please do something about it, it’s been too long.

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It’s now been over a year with no fix forward!
Can someone please put some time towards getting this issue fixed.
Or at least give some acknowledgement that this issue will be looked at?

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@TS.ChrisR - Can we get an update on this please!?
It’s been 3 months since the last time we had any response from the TS Staff

We do not have a solution for virtual audio devices where ID change but name stays the same.
Sorry this is all i can tell.


It affects all audio devices.
This has been an issue for at least a full year now.
If you don’t have a solution now, are you at least working on one?
How come other competitors don’t have this problem?
This is not only a problem if you unplug the device or something similar, no, also with almost every Windows Update the complete audio config breaks.

Windows logs the previous ID of the devices in cases where it changed, as you can manually look at in the Device Manager > [the device in question] > Properties > Events.


I also find it a bit borderline to simply say that you don’t have a solution. I really like using Teamspeak and definitely prefer it to Discord. But such problems and workarounds make the use extremely complicated and unnecessarily time consuming. If you like and need it, I would also offer to look for the problem with my hardware and try things out. If you are interested you can contact me and we can get in touch. Communication in German and English would be possible. I would also be open to the choice of remote tool and if necessary I could provide a complete PC to which I can connect the audio interface where you can then do what you want.

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Yesterday there was another Windows Update and i was have the Problem again. What’s confuising me is, that only TS5 has this problem. I personally use a GoXLR Mini with Windows 11.

TS3, Discord and Mumble works like a charm even after an Update. Only Teamspeak 5 need to be uninstalled and reinstalled so it will save/keep my Audio-Settings.

Every restart of the TS5 Client i need to: 1. Disable VOD, 2. Enable VOD, 3. Mode to Volume Gate, 4.Set the gate to -28 or so.
Only then it will not show me as permanent speaking and it will keep it till i restart it.
But once i go into the settings again after it is working it still displays VAD Automatic.

what version of windows 11 are you running win 11 22h2 or previous as windows 11 is causing this bug i think

fixed it
had to delete the folder in the %AppData% and then >TeamSpeak Folder while app is closed and deleted settings relogged in and it worked

I also had this problem under windows 10. Deleting the Appdata folder was not a permanent solution for me.

moved and split by moderator

Hello !
Since the first version I use my app won’t save the audio input VAD setting idk why can u help me ?
Then if I clic on server/chats/notifications/fioletransfer etc etc

My vad setting go back to automatic

A post was merged into an existing topic: Client Beta 72 won’t start anymore

And again, Windows Update and settings are reset and won’t save anymore. Sorry TeamSpeak Staff, what you’re doing the whole day? Why has TeamSpeak 3 not this problem? I am slowly losing confidence in the software.


It’s actually ridiculous how this annoying problem with the very core functionality of Teamspeak has been present and reproducible for 1,5 years now for a very large portion of Teamspeak users and all they do is write “We do not have a solution, sorry!”.



Ts5 is in need for a hotfix for the Voice Acticvity Detection So people can select and use the Volume gate instead of being forced to make it Automatic or Push To Talk