Can not set channel banners


I am trying to set banners to channels on my server, but it does not work. Skimming the forum and internet did not provide solutions either. So far, I have checked permissions (Server Admin); checked format (.png, .jpeg); checked size (<1 MB); checked measurements (from 500x22 to 2048x440 pixels); tried upload to server as well as external hosting. What ever I do, the pictures can be uploaded to the server, but can not be set as channel banners. There is no error message, they simply do not show up.

Setting, as a test, this random URL…

(217841700-3ab024cb-e9a8-4132-9cf7-ce850a2696f4.png (7813×2069))

… did work, but no other provider, no other picture, nothing.

Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you in advance.


Many image sharing services block the use of their images within TeamSpeak.
I never had problems with GitHub, so you might wanna create a gist their, upload the images and copy the URL. You may even create a private gist, as the image URLs are accessable without any restrictions online.

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