I am trying to set banners to channels on my server, but it does not work. Skimming the forum and internet did not provide solutions either. So far, I have checked permissions (Server Admin); checked format (.png, .jpeg); checked size (<1 MB); checked measurements (from 500x22 to 2048x440 pixels); tried upload to server as well as external hosting. What ever I do, the pictures can be uploaded to the server, but can not be set as channel banners. There is no error message, they simply do not show up.
Setting, as a test, this random URL…
(217841700-3ab024cb-e9a8-4132-9cf7-ce850a2696f4.png (7813×2069))
… did work, but no other provider, no other picture, nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you in advance.