Cannot connect to self made TeamSpeak server from other networks

I have installed TeamSpeak server for my friends to join, but i couldnt get it to work propely.
I have done:
-Agreed to terms and created file “.ts3server_license_accepted”
-Port forwarded 9987 UDP, 10011 TCP, 30033 TCP
-Joined the server on local computer using hostnames: “localhost”,“”(my local network ip),“”(local ip but for my pc only)
-Joined the server on another computer which is in same network with hostnames: “”
-Tried to (but failed) join the server on the same another computer but this time on different network using my public ipv4 (idk if i should send it here)
-Joined another application’s server via another network (so i can proove that its the teamspeak server problem)
-Joined a 3rd applications server via another network (confirms its a teamspeak server error)
-Tried to change teamspeak server port via “default_voice_port=9999” and forwarded the “9999” port aswell (still no work)
I dont know what i am doing wrong.
Edit: I forgot to mention, this is on Windows 11 latest version.
Solution found:

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Use GRC and see if your ports are actually open.

If you are able to connect to the server inside the network, then your windows firewall is ok. next hump is your network firewall.

If either is green, your port is not forwarded.

I now have checked on your request and:
-Port 9987,10011,30033 are shown “Stealth” as green (which i think means closed)
-Port 27015,25565 (other ones i opened, tested and working) are shown “Stealth” as green aswell
I tried other port checking sites/tools and all say my ports are closed but in reality they are open.
I have active people connect to my servers cross the world no problem, only teamspeak is probleming.

Green means not open, you have a firewall/router is not allowing traffic through those ports. what router/firewall are you using?

I am using HG8245X6 router and even though it says its not open, every single other port i have forwarded is working (and not working when i close them). So i dont know why but i cannot see which ports are open or not accurately. From the last time ive done:
-Opened another port for simple data transfer and it works (shows not open on any port site)
-Tried to switch computers and again, others servers work but not teamspeak.
-I have also tried to open all ports to my computer on firewall, disable the firewall entirely. Still teamspeak would not work.
-Instead of UDP or TCP only, ive tried both of them and still no.

it sounds like the response to pings is off.
That’s an ONT firewall/router. Is that the only network traffic controller on your system?

Is there anything in the ONT firewall logs?

May I am misreading this? Have you verified that another computer on the same network can connect to your server, or are you using the hosting computer to connect to itself?

A separate computer will not connect to the server via localhost

Im sorry for bad answers, yes i have 1 single router in my network.

This is the only place i found related to ONT on my router.
I have used a different computer (from another home, another router) to connect to my other servers via my public ip ( (ports are 27015-27020, 25565) but teamspeak (9987,10011,30033) did not work. I tried the same with in LAN with the ( and it works so something is blocking the outside communication. only works for the same pc that hosts the server.
EDIT: I have 1(One) phone connected to the router as landline, idk if it helps.

That eliminates the double nat issue.

That is what I expect, = localhost

connection from others inside the network says your Windows firewall is allowing the connection. That is good.

Next is to figure out why your
firewall is not allowing connections. Can you share a screenshot of your firewall settings?

As a temporary test, have you tried turning off the firewall?

There is only 1 button about firewall on router and its disabled since i got it, and yes i tried to turn it on and off to check.
I also tried to turn off windows firewall and defender (different things) and it did nothing.

Oh boy, if

  1. the firewall is off on your ONT
  2. Your ONT is plugged directly into your computer,
  3. Your computer firewall if off,

then it sounds like your ISP has a firewall for you. The next step is to call your Internet Service Provider and ask them to open ports for you.

what is your result with a tracert?

Sounds like your ISP is using CG-NAT
You could call your ISP and ask about that

Check out these couple of resources

This is the result of the command:

I tried to call my isp about port forwarding in general but they asked if i was asking about router password so i dont think support knows what port forwarding is.
About CGNAT i have a iptv (tv connected to router instead of sattalite) and this is the WAN information :

Ill check out the links you sent while waiting for reply.
EDIT: I have tracenet myip and its 1 hop so its not behind CGNAT to is the CNAT range. Sorry, but you are behind a CNAT.

The VLAN is also a clue. you have vlan 100 and vlan 103 assigned to your account. If you are friends with any neighbors that have the same service, you can verify that. they should have different vlan.

At this point, I would suggest trying a tunnel and seeing if that works for you.

I used to use hamachi back in the day.

Or you rent a local server

But why does every single other port/server work and not teamspeak?
Also isnt IPTV for television? My ip for internet starts with 91.

What type of other servers are you running? are they direct connect?

That’s the name your ISP gave the VLAN. The VLAN is the key, VLAN 1 is the default, and your ISP has you under VLAN 100.

I am running Team Fortress 2 servers and Minecraft servers. They use my ip + defined port to join.
I just dont get it how different teamspeak and minecraft/tf2 servers are to connect.

There should be Port Forwarding options its mentioned in the manuel for your Router from your ISP under section 9.

And i dont think that he is behind a CGANT it does look wierd but the 100.***** range is only for IPTV and the 10.**** could be some wierd internal ISP Routing to the FRA peering point.

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doesn’t TF2 have a server browser, it makes an outbound connection first, thus opening NAT for inbound.

Your Minecraft port isn’t open to me.

Also please !!!reaktivate your Routers Firewall!!! it does exist for a reason

And yes i can see your minecraft Server.