Today we tested a new client (TS6-beta1-2) with my friend on my selfhosted server
Unfortunately we havent even managed to even add each other in contacts. There were constant errors.
Moreover, i was getting Blacklisted on my friends account. Thats quite the opposite of adding a friend to contacts!
We tried to join group chats. Same stuff. Just endless loading / errors.
Thats quite frustrating
I really wish the client wasnt that buggy and had all aspirations to move from Discord to teamspeak with my friends. Now im not sure, because the is no ETA of getting these bugs fixed.
And thats all without screen and camera sharing on self-hosted.
Also screen sharing takes 20% of my Ryzen 5600 CPU. Thats quite crazy.
The only thing that worked perfectly is Voice chat, but thats no wonder
Anyways, i love your work and really wish you prosper.
Hope one day all these problem will be fixed, the release is stable and you will have tons of users!