Can't connect thru my public IP

Hello guys, I’ve trying to get my wife on my TS3 server thru my public IP (As far as I saw on YouTube). I’ve watched a bunch of YouTube videos to fix this, and nothing… I have Kaspersky as an Anti-Virus, could this modify my firewall and block someone from joining on my server? Since I’ve installed Kaspersky, my wife can’t join on my Hamachi server also. Could this be the problem? I don’t have access to the Port Forward on my Router Admin Page. So, how can I fix this?
Thank you.

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Hey there, if you’re using windows, confirm that you allow the right ports through the firewall.

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is your wife in the same household by any chance? you might not need to port forward it at all, or use Hamachi.

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Hello, I am currently using Windows 10 Pro. I only can chance my firewall settings thru Kaspersky, I don’t exactly know where to change, that’s the problem

She is currently in other house, that’s why I tried my public IP in order to work, but no success…

Hey there, if you want you can add me on TS and DM me. I will walk you thru it on call, I’m a network administrator. Just let me know when you’re free.

I appreciate the effort to help. But I only speak thru the forum for security reasons. Any help deployed here, I would appreciate

I can’t really do anything with an IP btw! It’s just a way for the devices to find eachother! Anyways, you need to search firewall on Windows, then there should be an allow ports button.

Here’s the ports you need to allow through your firewall:

Voice: Uses UDP on port 9987
File transfer: Uses TCP on port 30033
ServerQuery (raw): Uses TCP on port 10011

If you still need help maybe you can add my discord: @mutantrabbit767

(I mainly use TS but atleast you don’t need to worry about your IP being exposed in this case)

I will try, thank you for the help