Can't restore server snapshot

Hi folks, need help restoring a snapshot of a server.
So, I used to pay for a third party provider to host a TS3 server, recently I’ve got a small homeserver and was planning on self hosting it, I downloaded the snapshot from the server hosted on the currently provider and I’m trying to restore it on my local server

The structure of the snapshot file is:

“snapshot_version=3 data=KLUv/aAdbwIA/EYDjo[…]”

So what I’m doing is connecting to my server via Telnet, loggin in as serveradmin and running the command “serversnapshotdeploy snapshot_version=3 data=KLUv/aAdbwIA/EYDjo[…]”
But this results in the following error: error id=1538 msg=invalid\sparameter

I’ve tried with different parameters, only using “data=” parameter, using “version=3” instead of “snapshot_version=3”, with “hash=” instead of “data=” but none of them seems to work.
Didn’t find much online about this issue, but what I did find whs that the snapshot file generated used to be different, more “verbose” instead of pure hash code, but I don’t think that this would impact the operation of the restoration.
Also tried to create a snapshot from my current default server and it does create it fine, but I can’t restore it, it throws the same error, so I’m discarding a corrupted snapshot possibility.

I’m hoping I’m just dumb and it’s just a silly mistake I’m making.

Thanks in advanced to everyone.

Some providers encrypt their snapshots so they can only be used on their servers… Maybe reach out to the support, but unlikely that they will decrypt them, as this example shows.

The file should just be version=3 data=[data]

Hmm I see, this though had occurred to me but quickly vanished since I tried to restore a snapshot that I had created minutes before and had the exact same issue, so I did discard the hypothesis of the snapshot being corrupted or encrypted.
Regarding the syntax of the command ‘serversnapshotdeploy’, am I doing something wrong?

Should it really be “serversnapshotdeploy snapshot_version=3 data=KLUv/aAdbwIA/EYDjo[…]” or am I missing some parameters? Or even some incorret syntax, like “snapshot_version” vs just “version”

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That’s exactly how I’m doing, but I still can’t deploy a snapshot that was created by me on the default server that I have installed, it throws the same error “error id=1538 msg=invalid\sparameter”

This happens, when your serverquerydocs/help.txt does not exist in your server folder or when your user account can’t read the content of that file.

Please check both cases

The other Solution for this is maybe:

Create another Server Query Account

go to > Tools > ServerQuery Login > and set up and use that for the login and password and try again.

Hope this will help you. :slight_smile:

Hi, checked it and the servequerydocs/help.txt file does exist, and the user account has read permission to that file (I’m talking about the user on the linux machine hosting the server, is that what you mean by “user account can’t read the content”?)
I tried the other solution, creating another Server Query Account, I could login via telnet with my new account but when I tried to restore the snapshot I got this error message instead:

error id=2568 msg=insufficient\sclient\spermissions failed_permid=50

Usually a different error means progress so I’m happy about it, but how can I give permission to this new account to be able to restore a snapshot?