Hello everyone i just downloaded teamspeak and rent a server from a host.After that i try to make a server looking good but i noticed i can not change the channel background images like i saw at internet.I checked that if i don’t have a permission but i have all the permissions related to banner.

as you can see i dont have that button on bottom right of edit topic box

i have thes permission on as a server admin
What server version is the ATHP hosting / providing?
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sorry if it’s dumb question but how do i check that ?
Just click on the Server name at the top of the Server tree. On the right side you should see the version below the IP address.
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The server version is ~5 years old and is too old for this feature.
You should reach out to the hoster to get them updated, if they don’t update them I would switch the hoster as these old versions have some unpatched security vulnerabilities.
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ok thank you very much my friend, I really appreciate it
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