guys, when i sent a message, i get “Failed to sent message” error. i cannot remove a contact and sent message. but i can join a voice chat. i am a new user so i dont know what to do. can you help me ?
Are you trying to send a message to a TS Server or through the Global Chat? Is the Messenger fully connected?
i can sent a message in a server. but i cannot sent my fried.
Can you write in other chats or is it just that one chat?
i tried but it wasn’t work. all chats same
Then try a logout and log back in. Also a cache clear could help
Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\TeamSpeak\Cache\Default
Linux: ~/.cache/TeamSpeak/Default
MacOS: ~/Library/Caches/TeamSpeak
If this does not work I’ll have IT look into it.
its worked. thank you very much.
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