Changed plans for TS6 and got server set up again

All my info for the server such as title and description is gone when I changed plans on the fly, I don’t know what’s going on. It seems it changed the plan for more slots, but I can’t changed my available “seats”, because it’s trying to set the server again when It’s already fully working…

Now if changing plans will make everything in the server disappear I think this should be fixed asap before happens with someone else…

So the server has not updated to the new slot count and the server name and welcome message has disappeared from the dashboard?

Did anything change on the server itself?

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Well, I can assign new slots for it, It shows how many “seats” are available so that was updated at least, but I can’t save. The Welcome message, title and even banner disappeared from the dashboard and in the server itself nothing was changed at least… Also in the dashboard it shows “Starting community…”

There is probably an update to the server pending. And it needs to manually forced trough.

We’ll take care of the server and the problem should be fixed by Monday once someone is available to make the update.

Also there is an upcoming update to the Community dashboard planed for next week, which should resolve a few problems.


So it can’t change before going to an update? Interesting… Yeah I noticed my server for some reason didn’t get the update… It was forced in about 1 week ago, but nothing was changed so far… Still using the original server version which has the ban issue… :grin: