Client installation corrupted | 6.0.0-beta

After installation it says:
“Client installation corrupted. Please restart the client and make sure you are connected to the internet.”

I’ve reinstalled, restarted TS and PC, still not working.


Same, seems like many people are having this issue, also saw some posts on twitter about this same issue.

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They may be doing a server-based update for the upcoming TS6 client today. They will fix it soon i guess.


Yeah i have the exact same error.

Don’t think its fixable by us right now. Need to wait - might be them doing some server side stuff.

I got the same error. Happens with the “TeamSpeak5” flatpak and the tar from the download page. Cleaning the existing app files in .config and .var/app does not resolve the issue.

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Same problem. I already deleted TS5 and all TS5 files including AppData/Roaming & Local and it doesn’t fixed the issue

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:de: LÖSUNG:

Für alle die das Problem haben:

  • nochmal die beta77 runterladen
  • und dann von dort aus direkt auf beta2 updaten

:england: SOLUTION:

For all those who have the problem:

  • download beta77 again
  • and then update to beta2 directly from there

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Yes, I have the same problem after update.
Reinstalling the client and removing all files, including AppData, didn’t help.


TeamSpeak just being TeamSpeak. :sparkles:

I’ve almost forgotten how much I love this.

Hey everyone, sorry for the inconvenience. We’ve made some changes on our end that should fix this issue.

Please try a fresh install with the latest version from our website: TeamSpeak Downloads | TeamSpeak

If this does not work, please try downloading this client and updating it again manually via the client settings:



I can’t start TeamSpeak. It asks for my login and when trying to display the terms and conditions, it displays this.

I removed all the existing config files from the Teamspeak 5 and 3 clients. I tried the “TeamSpeak5” flatpak and the tar download.

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Downgrade and a new update doesn’t solve the problem.



I’m having the same problem. Running on Linux. Doesn’t matter if I use flatpak or the download from the Teamspeak homepage…


i had the same problem.

I solved the problem (Teamspeak 3, Teamspeak 5 installed) .

Solution: Install for every user, then you can change the directory path. Change the path. It works for me

Good Luck

go in AppData → Local.
There is a teamspeak folder. Rename it, start the new Teamspeak and than you can accept the terms of service.

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Fixed my issue on Linux like that:

  1. Close TeamSpeak if it’s running
  2. Open settings.db with DB Browser for SQLite. You can find that file in your home directory in “/.config/TeamSpeak/Default/”
  3. Go to the Browse Data tab and open the table “json_blobs”.
  4. Go into the general_settings key and add ( “tc_version”:7 ) behind “com.teamspeak.integrations.giphy”:{},

Should look like this then:


The number behind the version date can be different for you, don’t change it.

  1. Press Apply, save the Database with CTRL+S and close the DB Browser. Done.

This should also work on Windows. The files should be in %appdata%\TeamSpeak\Default
DB Browser for SQLite also runs on Windows.

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thanks, this helped me !

Yes i am Connected to the internet.
Yes i tried reinstalling.
Yes i tried running as admin.

For a brief moment upon start i see the usual Teamspeak interface but as soon as the Terms of Condition screen opens i get this message.

Any advice?

I have got the same Problem, even the “Tutorial” Tooltip shows up (Image in German)

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Sry for initially posting in the wrong thread. I tried every “fix” in this thread. Reinstalling the latest version, installing the older version and do the client update and also the proposed solution of @offline2007 .

Sadly nothing solved the problem