today i started the ClientQuery plugin (version 1.5)(port 25639) and tried to use the help command. But it seems that the documentation has been removed with Teamspeak version 3.6.2 (error message: error id=1538 msg=invalid\sparameter).
Is there any other documentation or can someone upload the helpfile into this forum ?
Please download and install the plugin again.
Every needed file is still there (as you can see when you open the file with 7zip or other tools).
Haven’t tested in TS3 client and Query. Only have a tablet nearby at the moment.
Tested it and it’s just fine in latest versions (without any extra installation afterwards)
Thank you.
I helped myself and took the help files from another PC. If anyone needs them, please feel free to download them. ZIP file, contains a folder with text files.
Download: google Drive
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MD5-checksum: F9C6C9ED58E9C9B23F2A7E8695572366
CRC (32Bit) checksum: 2C91101F
Topic solved. Thanks Chris.
It’s a way but installing it again would’ve fixed it right away when files are missing in your folder(s).
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