Community Server Slots - Clarification needed

Are the slots really just the number of people that can join a community in total, rather than the people that can join voice channels at the same time like in ts3?

If yes, why? Wasn’t the old system of people connected to voice channels far better?
We run a wow guild that has around 32 people in its roster atm. Even the biggest non customized subscription wouldn’t allow our entire raid team to even join a guild teamspeak. Why would people like us pay a premium to switch over from discord when we can’t even have all of our people join the server in the first place.

There was when it was available a button with something like “if you need others specs click here” and it directed to a form.
Also in the future servers from other hosters and self hosting will be available.

Which is an additional hurdle, when you could just use discord for free.

I am still a huge TS fan, but I can’t see a world where they are making a mainstream comeback if discord is basically TS but free.
Sincerely hope there’s loads of new features coming to at least match discord.

The main difference is that TeamSpeak did and will provide self-host. At Discord if you buy Nitro you can’t get always the best quality, it depends on theirs server bandwidth etc…

But there is a lot of work to do, which is normal. They need to fix client’s bugs, release server files, add mobile apps and if everything is working good and provides selfhost then advanced users will mostly use TeamSpeak over Discord.

I mean discord will always be superior with features etc.
And people will not stop using it.

But you pay with your privacy and many people especially the target audience for discord just don’t care about these things they don’t want or can’t pay for something and they don’t care about data protection etc.

If you okay with selling your own data and with bad performance of the voice chat sometimes but you want these forum like features you stay with discord.

Pretty sure teamspeak won’t change anything about this.

I used teamspeak 2 and with the release of the teamspeak 3 beta switched to that and stayed with that. We tried discord when it was new but were turned down by the sporadic robo voice when discord had server issues.

What never happend with teamspeak as its my own server.

Its just two different target groups I would say. But we’ll see what teamspeak does.