[Discussion] TeamSpeak Client 3.3.x

This thread is supposed to collect feedback and bug reports for the TeamSpeak Client release 3.3.x series.

Please refer to the release announcement to get a list of changes.



You don’t have to fix crashes if your crash reporter does not work


I am new to this and I am pretty sure this is the place to do suggestions for TS3 as stated in the Title of this forum but wouldn’t be much easier to do something other than these values in the advanced system? I understand there is a normal system to deal with permissions but it is limited. So my suggestion is the following:

  • Debunk the values
  • Have it so we as TeamSpeak Management can select which roles can add/remove other roles.

Overall just change up how TeamSpeak shall work and not sooo advanced with these values and not worrying about overriding permissions. I am certain that atleast 80% or more users will love to use TeamSpeak but the permissions itself is unattracting users towards the TeamSpeak services. Just my two sense. Hope this can be looked into and the TeamSpeak staff can consult and come execute this suggestion.

Have it so we as TeamSpeak Management can select which roles can add/remove other roles.

There is already, they are the:


I know there aren’t in the not-advanced one, but usually 100% of people setting up TS-servers use the advanced system, having a great customizable amount of parameters is hard to compress in the basic-perms system.
I think they will not modify it soon, but we can see in the new TS-5 how they plan to add them.