Olá, Estou com problema no ts³ que ao dar whisper diz uma mensagem que é tipo assim ( Muitos Alvos De Sussurro ) algo assim, poderiam me ajudar a como eu posso estar resolvendo este problema ? revisei todas as permissões presente no ts e esta tudo normal !!!
This is the way!
here's translation
Hello, I have a problem in the ts³ that when giving whisper it says a message that is like this (Many Whisper Targets) something like that, could you help me how can I be solving this problem? I reviewed all the permissions present in the ts and everything is normal !!!
Hello, I have a problem related to whispering in my ts³ the error is as follows (many whispering foci were detected) I wanted to know if I can remove the limit or something so that we can send our notices by whisper normally
right click on the server → edit virtual server → open “more” → misc
There, adjust the “Min clients in channel before silence”. This value determines how many whisper targets are allowed max (and also for normal talking in channels how many clients may be in the channel before silence is forced). If you set this to e.g. 99999 you should never have forced silence (but you will burn a lot of bandwidth when talking to so many clients, so beware )
Thank you very much Rikku It worked
Nice to hear. If you have any Question feel free to ask.
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