Error 400 CSRF token validation failed. Bad Request?

I tried through all browsers, I couldn’t really log in, I reset the modem, I entered it only once after my ip address changed, but again, the same error is on my other friends’ computers.

google translate tr-eng

Our IT made a change on that domain how cookies are used.
It may work better now.


Hello, on my side yes no more problem thank you TeamSpeak

Thanks and good work.

I also get this - can I do anything (this is my first forum post (so hello everyone!)).

I assume this is to get the next Beta program (I’m told it will feature video cameras and be 10 times better than Discord!)


moved by moderator. Please use forum search before posting.

Message d’erreur ### What does this mean?

Something went wrong on our servers while we were processing your request. CSRF token validation failed. This occurrence has been logged, and a highly trained team of monkeys has been dispatched to deal with your problem. We’re really sorry about this, and will work hard to get this resolved as soon as possible.

This error can be identified by 203edc0c-9507-451f-860e-c131f28bc6c2. You might want to take a note of this code.

Perhaps you would like to go to our

After registering my account I have tried to download TeamSpeak but keep getting Error 400. Any ideas?

Are you trying to download from the official site?

Yes, when I try to download the 64-bit version I get taken to a page where It says register even though I already have and then once I put everything in it gives me error 400.

The registration page is not relevant to your issue.

Please use another Webbrowser and try to turn off any blocking add-on or software.

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I have tried that but still am getting error 400

“Error 400 CSRF token validation failed. Bad Request” is the response I got when I tried to download Team speak on my Apple Desktop. Please tell me how to fix this I have no clue.