I’ve got a problem with the video streaming feature when trying to join a video stream in a private chat or group chat with a contact.
I’m trying to connect to the stream of my friend, but it says “Connecting…” far too long and after a little more waiting the “join” button on stream appears again, but when trying to join again, this time this error appears: “Failed to join stream: Screen Share session already registered”.
When closing ts6 and trying it again after a reopen, it still doesn’t work. This only happens with one of my two contacts. But this specific contact has the same problem with my stream.
My other contact is able to watch my stream without any problem and I also can watch his stream.
It seems the contact which hasn’t got the problem is also able to view the stream of my “stream-problem” contact and vice versa.
I’ve tried removing this contact, but after readding him again the problem still occurs.
I’ve also tried clearing the “%appdata%\Roaming\TeamSpeak” folder, but after logging in again it doesn’t seem to solve the problem.
Has anybody else got this problem? Can I do something on my side to fix this issue, or may this be a bug of the current build?
I know this ts6 beta just released, this issue isn’t critical at all.
I’m having the same issues. It appears to be an issue with p2p on some more strict LAN networks denying the connections. It works if i use my laptop and tether to my phone but on my LAN it wont connect. Hopefully a Dev can chime in and give more info on the back end connections so we can make the necessary changes. Ideally they will release server files so we can use the server instead of p2p and eliminate the issue all together. I will update if i can figure it out.
Maybe I can help a bit, was testing it for the whole day.
So the P2P protocol they use is stun, to make a connection through the nat, the messages with address bindings go freely between peers, but for some reason they just go indefinitely and nothing happens, I suppose there is just some internal bug in the ts6 logic maybe just some edge case not handled(at least a problem in a sense that a registered session is not aborted, if that’s a nat being weird not much they can do, except adding streaming via server I imagine). It works without any problems with a different person I tested with, but doesn’t work with another one. Also when I was turning on VPN, I was able to join the stream, but when I was streaming, the person, that I had problems with, couldn’t join my stream.
Has anyone found something to fix this?
It is completlely random who got this problem I guess. I testet it with 5 friends, 3 are working very well. The 2 of us cant stream for the other longer than 3 mins. But they can watch the stream of the 3 persons without problems.
I fixed the issue for myself, my fix might be different because of my network design but these are the steps i took to get it working, my firewall Pfsense rewrites source ports on both automatic and hybrid outbound NAT by default.
Navigate to Firewall > NAT on the Outbound tab
Select Hybrid Outbound NAT
Click Save
Click Add with the up arrow to add a rule to the top of the list
Set Interface to WAN
Set the Protocol to match the desired traffic (e.g. UDP)
Set the Source to match the local source of traffic, such as LAN Net or a specific device such as a game console IP address, or an alias containing multiple such devices
Leave the Source Port box empty, which indicates any
Set the Destination to match the traffic, if known, otherwise leave set to ‘any’
Set the Destination Port to a specific port or port alias, if it is known, otherwise leave the box blank for any
Set the Translation Address to Interface Address or an appropriate VIP if needed
Check Static Port to indicate that traffic matching this rule will retain the original source port
Click Save
Click Apply Changes
Navigate to Diagnostics > States
Enter the IP address of the device in the Filter box if a specific source was used in the rule
The issue was my firewall rewriting the ports for the p2p and STUN connections causing the connection failures, after forcing the the ports to stay the same as the source i can now stream with all my friends with no issues. Hope this helps!
Great that it worked for you!
But it still seems to be an odd thing, as I for example have my ISPs NAT changing the source port, and I can’t influence that(but that’s what the STUN protocol should handle with hole punching), plus I get back, to the port I was sending from, STUN messages, just these messages go on in a loop untill, I guess, connection breaks. And this happens with only one person, with others works fine.
Also port forwarding didn’t help. Will try tomorrow port triggering enabled on my router as well, but I don’t think it will change much.
Yeah, the only reliable method I found is using a VPN on a custom VPS which has a public ip address and firewall disabled. Although I am still under impression there is some internal problem in the logic, because STUN messages go well between peers, so the connection is being established. Still waiting for a response from devs or a server streaming
Among 4 people we tried, 2 people’s stream cannot be connected and one of them is me. The rest can easily start stream and we can connect them.
One thing we tried is -tremendously- multiple amount of start-stop sharing and lets say we can enter the stream 1 out of 10 of the tries. All 4 people’s internet providers are different than each other and every router setting is untouched.
Hope we can get a spotlight on this because i believe in devs. I’ll be happy to provide any information for them if they ask
Okay, so, after some more research the only thing I can recommend is going here, and checking your NAT type. If it says “symmetric NAT” unfortunately you are out of luck and for now streaming won’t work for you, unless one of your friends has a public/static IP address.
Some suggestions I can make:
Check your router, it might be your router’s firewall.
If it’s not router, your provider’s NAT is an issue.
A “simple” fix in this case is a VPN on your own VPN, or just keep waiting for a streaming via turn server, but as I can see, they currently have only one turn server turn.teamspeak.com, with a single IP address, so I suppose they are afraid of it being DDOSed.
Hope it helps
Thank you all for your answers : )
I just realized that Teamspeak randomly opens a bunch of udp ports and every stream they are different than before.
I guess allowing upnp would be a solution to this, right?
But then again, I still don’t understand why it works with others.
Haven’t had time to test this yet. When I get to it, I will do a follow up.
The others might have a different NAT set up. Turning on upnp will help only if the problem with your router’s NAT, but you are probably also behind the ISPs NAT, but worth trying to mess around with NAT settings in the router