I think TeamSpeak 6 is overall okay, but there are several points that bother me and need improvement:
Design and Usability
Channel size and font size: The channel size and font size are way too large. Also, the spacing between channels is unnecessarily big, making the interface look cluttered and harder to navigate.
Server banners: The server banners only refresh when joining the server. On my server, I want the banner to refresh every 60 seconds, but it doesn’t work as expected.
Group selection readability: When adding groups, there is a gradient effect that fades too quickly into transparency. This makes it very hard to read and select the groups properly. (Image reference)
Community Servers (Hosted by TeamSpeak)
Pricing: The pricing for community servers is far too high. You said you aim to compete with Discord Nitro, but you’re offering similar pricing to Discord Nitro. This makes it hard to justify using your service, especially for those looking for a cheaper alternative. (Image reference)
Copy-paste issues: Copying and pasting does not work in the “add contact” section. This makes it tedious to add new contacts manually, as you cannot copy-paste IDs or other information.
Channel permissions: It seems like channel permissions are missing or very hard to find. This is a core feature of TeamSpeak, and its absence or lack of visibility is a major issue.
Screen sharing (P2P): Screen sharing in TeamSpeak 6 is peer-to-peer (P2P), meaning your IP address is directly shared with the other party. This poses a potential security risk, as some individuals might exploit this to launch DDoS attacks. Users need to be cautious about who they stream with to avoid such risks.
Missing TS6 Servers
No TS6 server support: Despite the launch of TeamSpeak 6, we are still stuck using TS3 servers. There are no dedicated TS6 servers available yet, which feels like a missed opportunity for a better integration with the new client and features.
Update or reconfigure? When the TS6 server files are finally released, will it be possible to simply update an existing server, or will all settings (e.g., channels, groups, permissions) need to be reconfigured from scratch? This is an important question for server admins, as starting over would be a significant inconvenience.
Compatibility with TS3 client: When TS6 servers are officially available, will it still be possible to connect to them using the TS3 client, or will users be forced to upgrade?
Payment Methods
Current limitations: Currently, the available payment methods are limited to credit/debit cards and Google Pay.
Suggested additions: Adding more payment options like PayPal, Paysafecard, bank transfer, Sofort, and others would make it easier for users to purchase services and appeal to a wider audience.
Mobile App
TeamSpeak Mobile App: When will the new TeamSpeak mobile app be released? Will it offer the same level of configurability as Discord, allowing full admin rights and advanced settings, or will it remain limited to chat and voice functionality only?
Server Customization
Design customization: Will server admins be able to configure the server’s design, such as setting how many icons are displayed and adjusting channel density? Having the ability to customize the server appearance would make TeamSpeak more flexible and user-friendly.
Chat-only channels: It would be great to have chat-only channels (similar to Discord text channels) directly integrated into the TS server, without requiring voice functionality. This could expand TeamSpeak’s use case beyond voice communication.
Removed Homebase System
Homebase system: The Homebase system, introduced during the TS5 development phase, has been removed entirely. This is disappointing, as it could have been a great solution for managing self-hosted chats and screen sharing via servers, providing more control and eliminating the risks of P2P connections.
This is a really great post and I agree 100% with everything, especially the sizing on the channels and fonts. Even on the smallest Display Size setting everything is comically oversized, like clown shoes. Did you guys not test this at 1080p? Cause that’s what it feels like.
I agree with all of it, but especially the channel size and spacing. I would like a more compact layout. And I would like an option to move the chat to the bottom.
Moreover, it would be great if I could add someone as a contact by right-clicking their name. At the moment I have to ask everyone to send me their myteamspeak.
I use my TS on the side of my ultra-wide monitor in a narrow window. It looks like this in the smallest (and for me “best”) configuration. I can’t make it any wider otherwise I won’t have much space for chats or streams. It would be perfect if TeamSpeak could stack up the information instead of cutting it off. For example the server name in the first line and the little icons in the second line, my name in the first line and my badges and rolls in the second line (there was something like this in the last beta build (77) of TS, but it is gone now).
In response to the peer 2 peer share screen, there is a Server option grayed out.
I think that should be taken as an indicator they will allow you to route the screen share through the server, preventing IP leaks to non-admins.
I support the author .
But I would also add that they finally fix the channel banners!
As it was before, that the picture was stretched along the entire length,
Exactly give us back what we once had ! Half the Way looks terrible imo or atleast let the user/serveradmin decide with which version they wanna setup the channelbanners !!
Its just says Contacts = Disconnected (connect to internet) any idea why?
Also says that at bottom left, and when i press reconnect it dosnt fix it, but im still in server and speaking?
You can already create chat-only channels… Just disable the voice for that channel… you can do this easily from the TS client with admin rights on the server/channel
I even have a channel without any chat or voice, it’s the “Fileserver” channel, so people can drop/download files without having to search every channel for it’s files, they’re all centralised in a single “fileserver” channel
I have high resoution monitors with Widows scaling at high levels to make things visible for me and this update has realliy reduced the usability of TS for me. It’s way too crowded, text is cut off everywhere. I’m very much looking at how to roll back to the previos version.
The function “Hide TeamSpeak in Taskbar” can not work when choose “On close” or “Both” when logged in any server,however it can work when not log in any server.Please look for the cause,thank you.
My friends and I are thrilled with this update, especially the customizable screen-sharing function. However, we have noticed that it’s quite laggy compared to other screen-sharing services. We understand that this is the first release of the beta version, and we’re excited to see improvements in the future. Keep up the great work!
This is in fact good, allow a group of friends to stream directly without relying on server infrastructure. When screen sharing with strangers, just route it through the server.
My biggest issues with TeamSpeak 6 for now is the oversized UI, lack of hardware acceleration for screen sharing, lack of TeamSpeak 6 server binaries to selfhost, and the big amount of RAM that the client uses (from 300 MB to half a gigabyte when screensharing )