Gateway commander 4.0.2

Hello, I’m trying to install the TS Gateway Commander 4.0.2 plugin on TeamSpeak Client 3.6.2, but I’m encountering an error (screenshot attached). Could you help me? Thank you very much!!

I assume that you have a bad version of the plugin and that it is not compatible with your version. Can you share your log?

By the way, I found this post on google.

⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓

TS3Gateway[LINK].dll plugin is required !!Attention!!

Plugin must be in your Teamspeak 3 main directory 32BIT (Important Teamspeak 3 32BIT not 64Bit) Teamspeak 3 (RECOMMENDATION) installed

under (Save in installation folder)
: C:\Users(your Windows user name)\AppData\Roaming\TeamSpeak 3 ClientCB\config\plugins

Then open Teamspeak Client and activate the plugin under Settings > Extensions!


Thank you! I’ve made several attempts but haven’t had any success. It seems that the plugin is no longer compatible with this version of TS3. If anyone has a compatible version, I would greatly appreciate it. Alternatively, I’m open to suggestions for another plugin with the same functionality. Thank you!

Maybe i have found what you are looking for:

Working fine for me here on Client 3.6.2

Download Link: Click here to download the TS3-GatewayPTT Plugin

Please give me Feedback if its working for you. :slight_smile:


Wow amazing it works fine!! thank you so much :crazy_face: You don’t know how happy you make me!!


Nice to hear and thanks for the Feedback. :slight_smile:

Welcome to TeamSpeak :blue_heart:

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