Geoblocking in server settings

We have noticed that users from other regions like to visit our server. However, since we have only customised our server for a certain region and we would like to keep it that way, an option for geoblocking would be very useful.

This could easily be realised by finding the heading geoblocking in the server settings and entering there countries whose users are allowed to connect to the server and a reverse setting if you want to allow everything except for certain regions. This is especially interesting for server hosters who do not allow firewall settings.

For this purpose, a message can be displayed to the user when a connection is attempted, stating that this server is not available in this region.


A lot of work but good idea!


I think there is a possibility where you could ban Ip ranges with 192.168.., but I’m not sure if that works …

Another possibility would be that I you a small bot code the whole thing takes over, if there is interest.

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The best way to block visitors from other regions, states/countries is to use IP-TABLES. Please note, that this belongs more to server networking, instead of the teamspeak server itself — so you basically do this through your root/virtual/dedicated server. If you can’t access it, then ask your hosting provider for such a solution.

Otherwise, you can just ban any visitors from other regions.

No — They’ll just see, that connections are not possible because the server actually “timed out” (so that’s what they see), since their IP addresses and/or ranges are dropped by your network.

You can host the Server behind a Proxy where you watch for incomming Connections.

When somebody is from a missing Location, you can simulate a Server Kick via Protocol.

Server admins who rent a TeamSpeak server from a hoster cannot set this. And that’s what it’s all about.

Basically, this is not a problem for which I need a solution, but only a suggestion ^^

As I wrote to MCG, server admins who rent a TeamSpeak server through a hoster cannot set this. And that’s what it’s all about.

Basically, this is not a problem for which I need a solution, but only a suggestion ^^

A bot would then have to be hosted externally, but since we are talking about TeamSpeak servers that are rented from hosters, it is not practical to rent an extra v- or root server for this.

As a temporary solution, it is practical but for the future, a unique feature of TeamSpeak that Dis**rd does not offer :wink:

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You can query the IP via the ServerQuery interface and then kick/ban people with the “wrong” IP.

Technically we could disconnect client when their country mismatch kind of allow list.

But not sure if we want to add such feature at all.