Got banned for connecting multiple times with timeouts

kept kicking me out of the server for no reason and ended up getting banned

Please contact the server owner.
This is probably due to the server’s anti-flooding settings.
No one here will be able to help you with that.

This is one of the official TeamSpeak servers, so one of the employees can edit the flood settings/unban him

Oh, i see. :+1:

Sorry if this was pretty vage, but I found it pretty annoying to be in a call and getting kicked out progressively faster without reason to ending up banned.

I´m no longer banned tho

Sorry that it happened, but there must have been a reason for this.

Such ban happens when doing lots with client on server (mute unmute spam counts for this!) and connecting multiple times then sets a ban.

With simply talking and switching one or 2 channels in short time this would never happend!

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Yeah I get it. Next time I´ll send a screenshot of the error since it kept happening.
To clarify, the ban happended because whenever I tried to connect to the server (after these “time outs”) it gave me a connection error. Trying to reconnect several times would result as being banned for flooding.

We checked the flood settings and they are default.
The server did nothing wrong so far, because for it’s perspective it was connection spam.

Some of your command packages arrived to establish a connection but was never finished.
This counts as a connect request per to the server and adds flood points.

When you have timeouts, then the connection is unstable for the server which also counts for connections. You may be more patient in future or choose/rent a server where ping etc are not that high.