GPU encoding | Bad screen share performance

is gpu encoding for screen and camera sharing in the scope of screen sharing? It is very cpu intensive and would be useful. :grinning:


in the past, me and a friend of mine decided to test and experiment with the WebRTC protocol.
We belive in fact that they are basically doing the same thing as us, but instead of relying on a server to connect multiple people, they are making P2P connections between clients.

After some experimenting, we found out (and this is more of a suggestion/input to the dev team) that changing the codecs parameters to:

    mimeType: "video/H264",
    parameters: {
        "profile-level-id": "42001f"

since the profile level id 42001f is the one that we observed, made best use of GPU encoding.


Without GPU Encoding and Server Sharing (instead of P2P) the new feature is absolutely useless in my opinion.

-Who wants CPU Usage of 40% during gaming when screen share is active?
-Why should I pay for a community Server when I can only use P2P Screen Share? I have 40mbit upload. This is not enough to send a good quality stream to more than 3 users without getting packet loss ingame.
-Why is it not possible to choose the codec (Av1, HVEC, H264)?

If they can fix these things, we will switch back from Discord to TS!

It’s only in Beta so chill you will have to wait till its added.
There will be more releases in the near Future.

I am totally relaxed. But it is unecessary to find these things out on myself. I miss some clear communication.

These are the goals for the upcoming updates. Take a look here:

Thanks. I haven´t seen this post!

So after a couple of days of using the screensharing and camera features, I’ve started to notice that while doing anything like playing a game or working in production software or even just watching YouTube, it makes you realize how bad the performance of this update is. I hadn’t checked Task Manager until I started to notice it lagging very badly. While having my friends camera pulled up, it used nearly 7% of my CPU just for that. When I had my camera on and started screensharing FL Studio, Teamspeak was using 30% of my CPU. This is awful. The more people you have connected the worse it gets as well. In no world should doing these tasks result in this kind of performance.

When testing the exact same thing on Discord, my usage was around 3-5% total with the exact same scenario. I’ll be honest, this either needs to get fixed immediately or I will never be using this feature on TS.Something is very badly wrong. If others can perform some of the same tests and let me know, I would love to hear. My friend was also experiencing the same lag that I was as well.

CPU - Ryzen 7 7700X
GPU - 4070 Ti
32 GB Ram