Hello, I’m testing Qt with plugins but I have a problem: the plugin won’t load.
I’m using the same Qt version of my client (5.12.3).
I can successfully build the .dll but once in the ts3 plugin floder it won’t load in the client.
This is my Makefile:
CC = g++
LIBS = -L'E:\Programmi\Qt\5.12.3\mingw73_64\lib' -lQt5Core -lQt5Widgets
INCS += -I'E:\Programmi\Qt\5.12.3\mingw73_64\include'
INCS += -I'E:\Programmi\Qt\5.12.3\mingw73_64\include\QtCore'
INCS += -I'E:\Programmi\Qt\5.12.3\mingw73_64\include\QtWidgets'
ARGS = -std=c++17 -Wall -g $(LIBS) $(INCS)
SRC_DIR = src
BUILD_DIR = build
APP_NAME = ts3qt.dll
$(CC) -DBDLL -c $(SRC_DIR)/plugin.cpp -o $(BUILD_DIR)/plugin.o $(ARGS)
all: plugin.o
$(CC) -shared $(BUILD_DIR)/plugin.o -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(APP_NAME) $(ARGS)
This is the piece of code where I call a Qt function:
(I’m including: QtCore
and QtWidgets
void ts3plugin_onMenuItemEvent(uint64 serverConnectionHandlerID, enum PluginMenuType type, int menuItemID, uint64 selectedItemID) {
switch(menuItemID) {
case MENU_ID_GLOBAL_1: {
ts3Functions.logMessage(qApp->applicationName().toStdString().c_str(), LogLevel_INFO, "", 0);
Anyone have an idea how to make it work? Thanks!