Hotkeys to Jump Between Servers

Hi, I want to be able to assign hotkeys to jump into multiple custom servers I have. I’ve connected to all the servers and they are open in different tabs. However when I go into hotkeys to join the servers, the only option I get is to join the next or previous server. I need more functionality than this to jump from server 1-4 or 1-3, not go from 1-2-3-4 etc. Furthermore, if I go into the option, “connect to server on new/current tab”, the only option I see is to join “TeamSpeak Public” and not the servers I have open on the tab? I want an option to press 4 set hotkeys and jump into the desired 4 servers whenever I want. It seems that the functionality is there with TeamSpeak 3 but can’t see the options for this in the hotkey settings. Any help would be massively appreciated. Thanks!

A solution for this was found:

The server should be bookmarked. This can be done by right clicking the server tab in your client, and clicking ‘Add to Bookmarks’. Once the server has been bookmarked, it should be visible on the ‘Select Server Tab’ list.