How can I enable image support in chat on my TS server?

How can I enable the ability to send images in chat?
I’ve seen this feature on other servers, but I can’t paste images into the chat on my server.
my TS server is setup on a linux server, version is 3.13.7

You cannot enable this feature as it is available by default. The images sent on a TS Server are not stored on the Server they are uploaded to myTeamSpeak.

This means they can only be send and viewed with a TS5 Client which also has a working chat account (e.g. beeing able to message other people in the global chat).

Thats the button to upload attachments:

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I don’t have an upload button in any chat on my server, which is why I’m asking
I’m able to use this feature on other servers with the same TS5 client and same TS server versions

This is what my chat window looks like

Can you chat with your friends trough the global chat?
Do other people see the button or not?

Everywhere I’ve looked in the TS5 client has the upload button you showed, except in my server’s channel chat window.
Others are seeing the same thing

The root of the problem has been found.