How can I use Saltychat

How do i connect Saltychat?

To get support you have to contact the creator of the plugin.

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To connect SaltyChat on TeamSpeak, follow these steps:

  1. Download the SaltyChat plugin from the official website or from a TeamSpeak plugin distribution platform.
  2. After downloading, launch the TeamSpeak application on your computer.
  3. In the TeamSpeak menu, go to “Settings,” then select “Plugins.”
  4. Within the plugins window, click on the “Browse” button and locate the previously downloaded SaltyChat plugin file (a file with the .ts3_plugin extension).
  5. Once you select the plugin, click “Open” to install it.
  6. After successful installation, the plugin will be available on the list of plugins in the TeamSpeak application.
  7. Activate the SaltyChat plugin by checking its name in the list and clicking the “Enable” button.
  8. The plugin is now active, and you’ll be able to use SaltyChat features in TeamSpeak.

Please note that this is a general guide, and the steps may vary depending on the version of TeamSpeak or specific settings. If you have any questions or encounter issues during the installation, I recommend visiting the official SaltyChat or TeamSpeak website for additional information and support.