How the share screen works?

How does share screen actually work? Can a staff member explain to me how share screen using P2P uses somehow LAN? Again I have a very good firewall and I was thinking it was my fault for the share screen not working properly but apparently LAN ports needs to be not blocked in order for the share screen work properly, at least that’s what I found exploring my own settings… Now question is, does TS6 uses some sort of VPS or VPN to make the connection between 2 people?

To my knowledge it is just your run-of-the-mill hole punching, see Hole punching (networking) - Wikipedia
I haven’t checked which STUN servers they use. Either they implemented it into the TS6 server which I doubt, they host their own central one, or they rely on something like the publicly hosted google ones.

For connection establishment, we are using WebRTC ICE, which deals with NAT hole punching if one party is behind a more restricted NAT. So you are absolutely correct with your reply. We are using centralized (hosted by us) STUN servers for external IP discovery.

This connection establishment can fail in certain edge cases. You can read more at e.g. Interactive Connectivity Establishment - Wikipedia