How to create links to launch the game in channel description?


I’m looking for a way to launch the game (call of duty 4) directly via links in the channel description.

I’ve found a way to do this via steam links, like this :
[ URL=steam://connect/]join server[/URL ]

But some of us don’t have the game installed on steam, and in this case, it doesn’t work for them.

Second problem, some of our servers are running old versions (1.7 instead of 1.8) and this solution doesn’t work on 1.7 servers too because the steam game version installed is 1.8.

Is there an other solution to allow everyone to start the game via a link in the channel description ?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

This is a question you should ask to the game’s forum or assistance.
For Teamspeak you just paste the link and then click it, but we don’t know the games’ url protocols

As @LukeTheBrave pointed out that isn’t a problem regarding TeamSpeak.

However to maybe help you a bit:

  1. To the first part: look for similar solutions to the one steam provides (joining a server using a link) in the other launchers your users are using
    2 . Update your servers. Your users shouldn’t be able to join your servers wether their using the link or not

Unfortunately, for many reasons, I don’t want to update my servers to latest version.

An other solution would be to create a button that allows a copy to clipboard function.
For example : when players need to join a server, they just clic one button in the channel description, then the button copy the IP adress of the server to the clipboard.

Is it possible ?

Simple and easy


Embed that into a link. Should work like a charm.

1 Like

You are an angel, it’s exactly what I was looking for !
I love you Bro

I still have a last question :
my server has a password
connect; password war
I’ve tried :
[ URL=cod4:// ]
cod4 is starting, then it says “invalid password”
do you know the command in that case ?

If I remember correct it was

If it is not working I am sorry it has been a while :slight_smile:

No, unfortunately, it doesn’t works …
I’ll try other combinations.
Thanks as well for your first help

Peace !

something like this ?

I dont know this game so idk what is the command to connect on server so idk for the next ^^

Oh i tought that was for arma III search the id of call of 4 and replace it.
Well after a quick research i can see that cod4 is only avalaible on blizzard so i’ll check if there is a way to launch it via url

no, I already can connect via steam, read my first post again please.
and Asczery found a better solution, but, I still have a problem to join password protected servers

Well i can’t find any informations about that if the /pw doesn’t work then idk.
If you find a working shortcut, let me know.