How to get un auto banned? @Support @admin

i got auto banned something about hitting a flood limit trying to join my teams regular server, admin doesnt know what to do. my email is ************ and ts name is relixxz

mod edit: removed email

Hello @Relixxz and welcome to the TeamSpeak Forum.

:warning: Please don’t post any personal Data from you such as Email etc. :warning:
Otherwise, there is a risk that your personal data will be / can be abused by someone else.

TeamSpeak cannot unban you as it is not an official TeamSpeak Server
There must be a reason why you are getting auto banned.

Such ban happens when doing lots with client on server (mute unmute spam counts for this!) and connecting multiple times then sets a ban.


As Rikku said, it’s a ban on the local TeamSpeak server, nothing TeamSpeak Stuffs can do about it.

You can contact the owner to unban you, otherwise please provide logs so we can check if you flooded the server.

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