How to give the permission to a server group to set the priority speaker to someone else

Hello guys !

I’d like to know how I can give a server group the ability to set someone priority speaker with the same or lower value modify power.

Despite checking many already solved problem it doesn’t work with me.

I read that I have to grant a number to i_needed_modify_power_client_is_priority_speaker
Then I that I have to give i_channel_permission_modify_power the same or higher number as Value

(ps in my case I must have :
i_channel_permission_modify_power = i_channel_needed_permission_modify_power)

cf. these threads :

When I try to give the priority speaker to myself or someone else with the same i_channel_needed_permission_modify_power and i_channel_permission_modify_power
I get the error message : (insufficient client permissions (failed on i_channel_permission_modify_power)

For unknown reason one of my server group is able to do what I want but I can’t find how it can do that (I checked the permission and those involved are the same so it’s kinda weird).

So I’d like to know if you have any idea what could go wrong and how I can get rid of this.

(Here’s below a screen of one of my server group which get the error message).

ts priority_speaker

Up. I really need help guys.

i_channel_permission_modify_power value must be as high as targets i_channel_needed_permission_modify_power because you give channel permissions.

b_client_is_priority_speaker must have Grant value with at least of 1

i_permission_modify_power must have a equal or higher Value as Grant from b_client_is_priority_speaker

i_client_permission_modify_power must have a value equal or higher value than target user’s current i_client_needed_permission_modify_power

Here an example where Guest gets permission to assign it to Server Admin in a channel where needed power is 50. I use Skip to avoid channel and channel lgroup conflicts.


But if
i_channel_permission_modify_power value must be as high as targets i_channel_needed_permission_modify_power because you give channel permissions.
i_client_permission_modify_power must have a value equal or higher value than target user’s current i_client_needed_permission_modify_power
To a server group called A

If I have a server group called B, which has
i_group_needed_member_remove_power and i_group_needed_member_add_power higher than i_client_permission_modify_power of the server group A.
Will A be able to assing the priority speaker and also be able to remove/add B to someone ?

Member add or remove power have nothing to do wit this.

In my example the Guest could remove anyone’s prio speaker where client needed perm power is 75 or lower.
You are editing clients permission in a channel so that must fit.


Oh ok ! Thank you very much then Chris, have a nice day.